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Welcome to the Monarchy!

What's up, everyone? My name is MonarchFrost! Or Monarch for short! I'm nineteen and living in Ohio. I'm not as experienced with Anime as most people on this site are but I would still really like to make some new friends that can share their insight on anime, their favorites and just general discussion! I'll talk with anyone and have a few different messengers that we could keep in touch with once we become friends. That being said, feel free to join my humble Monarchy and send me a message! Haha :p Looking forward to hearing from you@ MonarchFrost
Jun 21, 14 at 11:45pm
Welcome ^-^! have you found your favorite anime genre yet? We can suggest more from that :3 or perhaps list a few that you've seen! I'm also from Ohio! (and new here too) nice to meet you!
I'm actually not very picky about the genre! It just has to have a good story line, likable protagonists and pretty moderate animation quality. Lol :p I have seen a few animes like Soul Eater, Highschool of the Dead, Bleach, Mushishi, Cowboy Bebop, Fooly Cooly, No Game No Life, Fullmetal Alchemist, and a few others that I can't really recall the name of. Hahah. It's very nice to meet you too!
Jun 22, 14 at 12:15am
ooh let's see maybe I'll suggest a few; date a live, kill la kill, blood+, chobits, claymore, spice and wolf, black bullet, tora dora, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai, and nagi no asukara. Different genres but not sure what to go by really and you can always take a look at my list and others as well to get ideas on what to watch :3. I hope you find something you'll really enjoy!
Thanks so much for the help! :) I actually started watching Black Bullet today and wasn't really into it for some reason. Haha. If you haven't seen No Game No Life then you should watch it! It's really good! Feel free to send me a message anytime!
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