What are you guys looking for?

maramayuri @maramayuri
What are you guys looking for?
maramayuri @maramayuri
What are you looking for in a girl? Anything special? Let the women know!

徐々に @jojoni
commented on
What are you guys looking for?
徐々に @jojoni
Honesty. Girls who are fickle annoys the heck out of me. If you want something, say it! I hate guessing games, ugh!

imperialnutcase @imperialnutcase
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What are you guys looking for?
imperialnutcase @imperialnutcase
want someone to be open and date... someone that doesn't play guessing games either. and who doesn't cry about not having someone when they choose not to have someone. -.-

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
What are you guys looking for?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Sense of humour.
Loves to cuddle.
Not afraid to be perverted, at times.
Isn't overly clingy in public. (Hasn't happened since high school, actually.)
Respectful, kind and honest.
Anime or asian culture likes dont mean shit if you dont have the basics. (Granted, some above arnt basics, just personal likes.) I would want somebody to be able to talk to me about something BESIDES anime. I dont care about anime or manga or video games when it comes to a relationship. Yes, its nice, but there are more important things that should be addressed first.
Oh, and small breasts are totally my thing.

Nate @myrhev
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What are you guys looking for?
Nate @myrhev
Something in common, smart, sweet, a little dirty when the time is right. Other than that I want honesty and faithfulness. Also, Jikoshy is right about the small breasts thing, small is good :)
I'd also like to add legal to what I am looking for :p

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
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What are you guys looking for?
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
A chill and laid back relationship

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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What are you guys looking for?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Magical powers, of course!

♥ ½ M @fudozen
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What are you guys looking for?
♥ ½ M @fudozen
Funny,cosplayer, and like julio said a chill person. lol you gotta be able to deal with the randomness that is me.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
What are you guys looking for?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
You have magical powers. Its the power to PARTY!!

ロイ @wallace614
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What are you guys looking for?
ロイ @wallace614
I'll say good communication
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