Hey girls, what do you really want?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Hey girls, what do you really want?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Xueli, im a pony. You can tell by this selfie I took. I have amazing flowing locks, wings and even a cape. Im definatly the best choice.
nomi81 @nomi81
commented on
Hey girls, what do you really want?
nomi81 @nomi81
I have never been in a relationship so I am in no way the best person to say what should done.
But for me all I would want is someone I can be just me with not worry about how I look, what I am wearing or what I am doing just me and that is what I would give in return.
People spend way to much time worrying about what other people think and for some reason seem to have to have their approval for what ever it is that society says that should be, like how we look and what we wear.
People I think just need to look at the simple things that make them happy and not what is "not" making them happy.
As far as it goes with me I just want someone to see me not the way I look but the person I really am.
Nate @myrhev
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Hey girls, what do you really want?
Nate @myrhev
xueli, that is understandable, but what I have come across is hearing that a girl wants someone nice, but then they only date the biggest assholes they can find. Usually said asshole either looks good, has money, or both. Then they bitch about him being a dickhead, often to me. These same girls then repeat the process of complaining about how the guy treats them and how they wish they could find a nice guy. In many cases I have seen them ignore a guy who seemed like he was nice.
I was told once by a girl that I wasn't the type of guy a girl wanted to date. She then went on to say that I was the type of guy a girl hoped to marry later in life. Wow, so like, after you have been wild and crazy and had all of your fun, I'm the ideal backup plan :(
Nate @myrhev
commented on
Hey girls, what do you really want?
Nate @myrhev
At least most of the male friends I have appear to be honest with themselves. All they seem to want is the hottest thing they can find to bang a few times and then move on to the next girl once this one starts getting clingy (aka, wanting to have a real relationship). I can't stand that attitude and have never been one to just look for something to have sex with and move on. However, they do seem to have a lot more luck, skill, or whatever with women than I do.
xueli @xueli
commented on
Hey girls, what do you really want?
xueli @xueli
Here's the thing, it's just exposure of those people that make you think that. We see it all the time in media and then when you know a woman who has that problem, she's gonna complain to her friends and so it's easy to say that well, that's the problem with women, they don't know what they want. Women aren't attracted to assholes, assholes are attracted to assholes. You see it often and then you assume that this is universally true, no matter how many women you know who are dating decent individuals. Which is why the saying goes, the plural of "anecdote" isn't "data". There's hordes of good guys, not "nice guys", that are in successful relationships.
The thing is humans are complex beings. There are biological factors that play roles in attraction that have nothing to do with how much that man looks like "insert top celebrity here" and more to do with like testosterone level and then there's psychological factors as well.
Some tips on why women seem to like "assholes":
1. Be Assertive: Confidence is sexy
2. Be Honest: If you're end game is not that you want to be my platonic friend, don't come at me like you want to be my platonic friend. That's why "nice guys" get friend-zoned.
3. Be Self-Validating: Don't look for others to validate yourself. Otherwise you look needy.
Yu @metaljester
commented on
Hey girls, what do you really want?
Yu @metaljester
This sums things up quite nicely I agree.
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Hey girls, what do you really want?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Yu, Language is what you speak? English not is it.:P
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Hey girls, what do you really want?
ロイ @wallace614
Let it all hang in the open
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Hey girls, what do you really want?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
They're swaying in the wind as we speak Wallace.
Yu @metaljester
commented on
Hey girls, what do you really want?
Yu @metaljester
Oh wow I cant believe i missed that must have typed it too fast and forgot about it.
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