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Falling in love...

No time for love only Snu Snu
Jun 11, 14 at 6:43pm
Lol snu snu should only be done with someone that you love. Lol
Nope bitches aint nothin
Jun 11, 14 at 6:53pm
Death by snu snu!
Jun 11, 14 at 7:10pm
Lol alright then
Dunno, i've been alone for a while since my breakup
Iv fallen in love twice, both ended roughly. Not gonna lie falling in love seems like a huge risk, well it is. Ill just stay single till i get my jimmies un-rustled. Then ill risk it once more, and ill do so till it freakin works!
We can't exactly say whether it has happened to anyone or not. Based upon that situation they have to move. If you meet anyone just spare time to understand her for some duration of time because of that you can understand her completely, then after you can continue a friendship with her as per your understand. <a href="http://www.findnewpassion.com">dating a married man</a>
Aug 17, 14 at 1:30pm
I had it once but I got my heart dashed on the rocks
Aug 17, 14 at 8:13pm
I used to fall in love easily... After a few relationships (which I broke up) I started something with a guy, I always had a crush on. It was like a "real" relationship, everything was perfect (for both of us)... well, not everything. For him, I was "just a friend"... Yeah, being together every day + night (except for work) for more than 2 years, having sex, talking about everything (and being the only person he has ever been this honest to), sharing everything, same interests, arguing from time to time, him being jealous sometimes... the whole damn thing. Even his family loved me. I told him about my feelings. He never returned my feelings and told me, that I'm "just a close friend". I "broke up" about... well, countless times. It took my last 3 years and he still thinks we have this "thing". Although I made it perfectly clear. We are still close friends but something changed... I feel numb most of the time. But: I hope I will fall in love again sometime :)
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