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Age difference

ya i heard a story about that... messed up.... but eh.
Kinda sad thats a world record. Hope the guy was put to death.
if i remember correctly it was her step father or father i dont remember.
Jun 09, 14 at 1:30pm
They don't know who it was because she'd never tell :/
A simply DNA test would narrow it down
And with that kind of exposure to the media, im sure it could be mandated.
Jun 09, 14 at 5:41pm
They arrested her father but there was no evidence against him and no other suspects
Jun 09, 14 at 9:46pm
Wow this thread turned creepy rather quickly. I don't do the half age plus 7, but it is a good guideline. I just say 18+ because jail would suck. I know when I was 13 there was this woman in my neighborhood that was 26. I was big for my age as I have always been chunky. She made the offer. I declined because she was married, but even then it wasn't easy. Age != maturity. Sadly, I am probably less mature now than at 18, but I changed a lot when my sister passed away. She was 17 and I was 20. I had spent a lot of time helping take care of her because she was disabled. I sometimes wonder if that is why I still enjoy the things I do, maybe trying to get my childhood back. Wow I suck, sorry for the novella of a post.
Jun 10, 14 at 2:46am
In my opinion. There's a fine line. Though I will admit. Age doesn't matter, so as long as you're legal LOL
I'm of the opinion that if both parties are legal then age shouldn't be of consequence. But it's difficult for me on here since most people are in America where you can only drink and such when 21 (?) and I'm in the UK, where all your freedoms come when you're 18. It makes me feel younger even though I'm nearly of the age where I am legally an adult. If that makes sense ^^;
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