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Anyone else never had a relationship?

Wasn't sure if I would be the only person like this on this particular forum. If so, hopefully you'll be luckier than me. Sorry if this seems like a lame thread. Maybe we could support each other out. Also, sorry if this seems like a dumb/lame thread.
I dont count the one I had in high school because it wasnt serious. I wasnt in love with him. So I've never had a serious relationship. This isnt a lame thread. Im sure there are others out there who havent had one but dont want anyone to know.
I wouldn't worry about whether or not you've been in a relationship previously or not. Just be friendly and confident.
Yeah I've never been in a real relationship either. Just a semi online one and that was it.
You're not alone man. Everyone has different circumstances, and sometimes things happen. I started into college just before I finished high school, so I didn't take a break to hang out with friends or go socialize and meet girls much. And of course I went to a technical college where single women are fairly sparse. My companions were books and computers. I'm sure you have your circumstances, so it's not like it's a bad thing if you've not had a relationship. Besides, having a relationship for the sake of a relationship is meaningless. The personal connection is what really matters. I was pursuing a relationship with a girl once for about a year, but I realized that we didn't always get along too well and the connection was weak. It took a while to see it clearly, but once I did I stopped entirely. It probably would have gone badly if I had sealed the deal. The moral of the story is not to jump at the chance for a relationship just for the sake of it. If you find someone you seriously like, not just superficially, then and only then is it worth it. Not having been in a relationship yet is nothing to be ashamed of, so you shouldn't worry about it too much. Quality over quantity as they say. mr_ambig has the right idea. Not just ladies, but people in general find friendliness and confidence appealing. Smiles make you more approachable. I'd say just be patient and let things take their natural course. And be sure to put yourself out there so people notice you.
^This was actually pretty influential. Yeah, probably been looking at this the wrong way. I've probably just been stuck on trying to get a date because it's pretty common that people have gotten one at the point of my age (19). It would be good to make a first girlfriend not just someone who has similar interests and I get along with, but also someone I can connect with, as well. I'll be sure to keep what you've said to mind, as it will probably benefit me, and hopefully more people like me. Thanks a bunch, as well to the people who have also put their input. :) On a sidenote, I have the same 3DS as fullmetalrussia. XD
Honestly, you are better if you haven't had a relationship. That means less baggage from failed relationships to sabotage your future relationship(s). I have had one or two that I considered serious. The rest were just dating. As for not having had one by now, don't worry. Nothing wrong with being a late bloomer. Other than a few dates, I didn't have my first serious relationship until I was in my mid twenties.
Nope never had a girlfriend, lol tbh im 18 yrs old, still a virgin, never even kissed a girl, much less went out on a date with a girl or even held a girls hand before, lol pretty pathetic huh, but idgaf, i have 99 problems but a bitch aint one ;D But I have my reasons, pretty much complete lack of confidence, I suffered from severe acne since 8th grade all the way to 12th grade until I took this wonder drug called Accutane, but through that time I completely lost all my confidence, and even now when my skin is healthier I still dont see any change in my behavior, its really weird to me now though how some girls will now notice me and try to flirt with me, but most of them I have nothing in common, because literally all i do with my spare time is workout, play video games, watch anime, and work out. But dont feel bad, you are not alone, it never ever bothered me one bit, I could care less about finding a girl, I would rather go have fun with my friends than spend all my money on a chick i would probably never marry.
Look at it this way, if you haven't had a blood transfusion or been sharing needles, you shouldn't have any STDs either :) Also, honestly, sex is a bit overrated. Sure it is fun, but it really is better with someone you care about and trust.
^ Truth *high fives*
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