League of Love?!

sonacarry @sonacarry
League of Love?!
sonacarry @sonacarry
Why yes hello there! In case it wasn't painfully obvious by name and the title of this topic; I am a fan of League of Legends! You'd be surprised that I am also a fan of many other things!~
My name is Alicia, but you can call me Alice. Most people usually do! It'll be nice to make friends and possibly future bonds here!
I'm not just a fan of the usual gaming scene; I'm an anime fan as well!
So please don't be afraid to at LEAST say hello!

........ @nocturna
commented on
League of Love?!
........ @nocturna
Hi there and welcome to MaiOtaku :)
I’m a newbie as well.
Hope you’ll like this site.
Best regards

shadowspike64 @shadowspike64
commented on
League of Love?!
shadowspike64 @shadowspike64
Oh Hai! I've seen you on TC today! Nice to meet you and welcome~! I am still new here and I've been a member since Spring.
I hope you get to enjoy what the people have to offer here!
P.S. I play League too and also Sona. But I'm a noobie at it T___T

X-Cution @xcution
commented on
League of Love?!
X-Cution @xcution
Welcome to the side. I'm a player too, maining Master Yi.

Setsuko @setsuko
commented on
League of Love?!
Setsuko @setsuko
harro, addicted league player here, both eune and euw accounts

Akiba-kun @jakethedaug
commented on
League of Love?!
Akiba-kun @jakethedaug
Any NA League players? Add me TPG RavenHawk
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