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From what I've gathered there seems to be only one developer doing everything, which I know from experience can be tough and time consuming in some instances. It would probably be easier to maintain and upgrade the site if more people can get involved in improving it. Is the site already on Github or Bitbucket (or similar)? If so, it could make things a lot easier. If the code is in a public repo (or at least one we could request access to), anyone with some coding knowledge could fork the repo, make some changes, then send a merge request to add it to the code base with approval. Version control is just a good idea in general anyways, and if it's already being utilized then this option would help make the most of it. I can't tell for sure, but judging from the urls it looks like the site might be coded in Ruby on Rails (my forte). I'm not committing myself or anything, but if that were the case I may try to find time to do little things here and there. If there are other programmers around here besides me, all the better.
<p>The HTTP headers say:<br> Server: nginx/1.4.2 + Phusion Passenger 4.0.19<br> X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger 4.0.19</p> <p><del>So I don't know about Rails but it's definitely written in Ruby.</del></p> <p>Oh wait, Passenger supports Python and Node.js now.</p> <p>Though I do still agree it's probably Ruby, as the collection of crappy <code>onclick="new Ajax.Request ..."</code> pieces through the output is probably the fault of some extra 3rd party ruby library supposed to be a feature. From what I've seen at least so far stuff like that doesn't pick up that easy in Python and Node.js frameworks. Probably cause RoR is the most popular MVC framework and stuff like that is hard to consciously add outside of an MVC framework.</p>
<p>Well I can definitely say it's Ruby on Rails now.</p> <p>Thanks to one of the bugs I've been getting an error that looks like:<br> undefined method `feedable' for nil:NilClass ["/home/ubuntu/website/app/views/feeds/_feeds.html.erb:6:in `block in _app_views_feeds__feeds_html_erb__4278428847291728069_53693440'", "/home/ubuntu/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p547/gems/activerecord-3.1.12/lib/active_record/relation.rb:15:in `each'", "/home/ubuntu/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p547/gems/activerecord-3.1.12/lib/active_record/relation.rb:15:in `each'", "/home/ubuntu/website/app/views/feeds/_feeds.html.erb:4:in [...]</p> <p>So it's definitely Ruby, ActiveRecord and the app/views/ structure suggest Rails.</p>
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