The "looking for a relationship" thread

Animefan8451 @animefan8451
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
Animefan8451 @animefan8451
Name: Matthew
Age: 19
Current city/Location: Massachusetts
I'm around 6 feet tall. Am rather chubby.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Black
Favorite color: Red
Interests: Video games, Anime, Manga and the Internet. Also enjoy a little bit of drawing from time to time.
Favorite game series: Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Tales of, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Disgaea and Shin Megami tensei.
Favorite Anime: Naruto Shippuden, Buso Renkin, Kenichi the mightiest disciple, Soul Eater, Darker than black and Yu yu Hakusho.
Favorite Movie: Spirited away
Preferred music: Gaming music, classical rock, Classical, J-Pop and J-Rock.
Job: Unemployed, at the moment. Hope to find a job soon. As for a full purpose job, I hope to make it into the Voice acting industry.
Qualities: Can be very polite and friendly. I'm also creative at times, as well.
Looking for: Someone who shares similar interests with me, and is also easy to get along with. I'm a bit unsure about long distance relationships, at the moment.
Anything else: This site peaked my interest, but then I sort went on a streak of coming and going again. Hopefully this time I will be a more active member. Also, I'm always looking to make new friends, so don't be afraid of saying hi on my profile. :)

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

Rain @rainx
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
Rain @rainx
My name is Stephen and I'm 33. I currently manage a Gamestop here in Western Wisconsin where I live and I have a two year degree in management from the local technical college. I'm 5'8, 180lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, and live by myself in a two bedroom apartment with one silly feline.
Video games are my main pastime with RPGs, fighting, action/adventure, puzzle, platformers, and shmups being my most invested in genres. Modern and retro split about 50/50.
I also enjoy bike riding, walks, fantasy novels, and hanging with friends in my downtime. Anime is also something I enjoy, but it's not as big as my other interests have become like it was 10 or so years ago. I also staff and help organize the local anime con in the area and I'm also a moderator on the IGN forums.
Music is pretty open. Rock, alternative, metal. Video game soundtracks too. The Goo Goo Dolls to this day are probably my favorite band at least.
I'm looking for someone who can accept me for me. Someone who is laid back, caring, and will actually take a genuine interest in my life. I'm not asking it all be about me as I want to have just as much vested interest in any potential significant other, but in more than one relationships I've had we usually ended up mainly talking about their lives an interests and the relationship became frustratingly lopsided after awhile. Having similar interests is nice but not 100% requirement but being able to accept my gaming and collecting habits kind of is. LDR's I would consider, but sharing travel and making time to see one another would be necessary for it to work long term. Age I'm not completely against younger girls. Obviously 18 is the absolute minimum I would consider, but being within 10 years (23+) is preferred. Being strictly conservative probably isn't going to work for us in the long run. Being religious is fine with me, but you have to be accepting of someone who is atheist and hoping to convert me wouldn't work, just as much as I wouldn't expect or try to make you give up yours.
Feel free to shoot me a friend request or post on my wall.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Bump for new people

supernovagirl08 @supernovagirl08
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
supernovagirl08 @supernovagirl08
hi!! my name is mindi im 23 years old im 6 ft tall blue eyes red hair. im currently an international student up in canada and will be starting for my degree in animation this september ^_^. prior to that i was active duty military for 5 years.
I adore anime and manga!(hence the reason im going to school to make it lol) some of my favoites are toradoa,ookami san and her seven companions, ouran highschool host club, skip beat, gravitation, gosick, detective conan, inuyasha, dusk maiden of amnesia, book of freinds, samuri champloo, generator gawl, attack on titan and so much more
for music i like just about anything- j pop, country,rock, pop, classical, you name it some of my favorite artists are goo goo dolls,the wall flowers -one head light, good night nurse, lyndsay stirling, hail storm, veronicas, skillet,shine down, yellow card, red jump suit apparatus, avril lavigne, evanescene, toy box the list goes on and on lol for the record i am a total 90's chick when it comes to music ^_^ :P
favorite things to do- read, go on walks, hang out with freinds, watch anime,read manga , find new places to explore,photography, art ,art , and more art
video games wise i only really like rpgs and even those there pritty few i like skyrim is ok, i loved fable, batten kitos (i apologize if i spelled that wrong) mmm other than that i like the classic super mario brothers, street fighter, super mario kart
as for a relation ship im not really certain what im looking for, permanent would be nice or just going with the flow, what ever works really .im an upfront person so noone is ever left really hanging with the bs of high school ooh he like me but i dont know stuff. i need some one who is up front with me and honest. i hate the tip toe game when there is a problem but they're trying to be nice about it but wont actually say anything to me. sadly im a bit dense in that way if they don't say something i don't always know there is a problem. other than that someone who likes me for me (as cliche as that is), im a bit of a nut and i usually get into some sort of mischief or another with out even trying (not drama just goofy situations where im not sure how the heck i got there)im a pretty active person but i do like my down time too(cuddling is always fun). i need some one who is ok with the fact that im going to ramble on and on about books,anime, manga, animation and art. i have a pretty large collection of books and anime and some guys get a little weird ed out because of it(im hoping here will be a bit different). other than that some one who loves to laugh and doesn't mind me acting like goof ,who might actually play along with me. lol gods the shenanigans we could pull off!
i cant wait to hear from ya'll shoot me a message if you want to chat im a pretty friendly person and even if we don't click i always love more friends!

nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
Hello! My name's Joe, I'm bisexual, 20, ~6 feet tall, green eyes, from Massachusetts.
I'm going to university for a bachelor's in Sociology with a minor in English, working towards teaching English in Japan for a few years, then who knows what lol.
I'm probably a bigger music nerd than an anime nerd. I spend a lot of time exploring music and playing (I've been playing guitar and bass for about 7 years) as well. My favorite bands are Agalloch, The Flaming Lips, The Chameleons, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Sonic Youth, Neutral Milk Hotel, Earth, Andrew Jackson Jihad, Fugazi and Moonsorrow. I care a lot about music and I blow too much money on CDs lol.
As far as anime goes, I absolutely love it as well, don't get me wrong. If you can't tell from my profile picture, I love Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, and Ghost Hound is another favorite. It's kind of hard to pick favorites, but some others would include Cowboy Bebop, Durarara!! and Ouran High School Host Club. I'm also a yaoi fan :3 Not a huge gamer, but I'll play anything with friends.
Quirks: I'm somewhat politically active and I do have a political identity, although I might change my mind from time to time on issues because I like to consider all sides of issues. I'm vegetarian, but I don't really care if you choose to eat meat. I have quite a few hobbies and I like to try a lot of different things, but it can get out of hand sometimes hahaha.
I'm kind of liberal and open minded when it comes to a relationship. Although I'd like a girlfriend or boyfriend, I might consider polyamory or other "non traditional" approaches. You could say I'm a bit adventurous, although I'm quite inexperienced, haha. I'd be lying if I said looks didn't matter at all, but I'm really more about the person, rather than superficial looks or their gender. I'll talk to basically anyone :)
Free spirited, impassioned, a little whimsical, hopeful and optimistic with realism always in mind but I make sure not to let it stop me from dreaming.

nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
Just bumping. This thread actually has potential.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Nii_chan, it actually worked for me, which I am extremely grateful for.
Both of us posted here, and, yey :)
I do have faith that this thread will work for others as well.
Also, Thank you for the bump :)

♥ ½ M @fudozen
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
♥ ½ M @fudozen
eh I'll give it a go,
Alittle about me: My name is Dee, 21(22 in a week) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I'm alittle weird but who isn't, its just part of who I am.
When it comes to people I'm extremely easy to get along with and I enjoy talking about whatever. I don't really care for looks, I'm much
more interested in the mind of an individual. Goofy but serious when I need to be :3.
music/anime: I don't have a specific genre I listen to. My music taste is all over the place, so alittle of everything. This also goes for
my taste in anime, its just kinda whatever catches my interest.
Favorite series:
Eureka Seven
Darker than black
Shinsekai Yori
sousei no Aquarion
accel World
Hobbies: Cosplay,drawing,aggressive inline,basketball,gaming (mainly pc), watching anime (obviously lol)
As for what I'm looking for, just the same thing as most people. Someone who has similiar interest that I can
get along well with. Also a person who is trustworthy and understanding. I never have nor will I ever try to
change someone so >.> be who you are. I'm very understanding of all situations and always do my best try and help
people out when/if needed. A person who cosplays or plans on cosplaying in the future would be a plus. I go to
conventions whenever possible. Feel free to shoot me a message, I'm always up.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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The "looking for a relationship" thread
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Bump for new people.
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