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Ah alright, haha didn't catch that. Yeah I was used once and never again. I can say I tried with the chick but it seems like there's just some one-sided trust issues that just cant be worked through, so I wished her the best and parted ways. All I could do was try <(^_^)^o.
May 24, 14 at 10:56pm
I can be here for anybody as long as they give me incentive to do so.
I'm gonna rub you raw +_+ ~sandpaper hands~
with a situation like the one you vaguely described the best thing you can do is to get out do something new, watch anime, eat icecream/chocolate/pockey (what ever you fav junk food is) talk with your Friends or family, and cry when you need to. things hurt ,relationships hurt , dont pent everything up because you'll either get bitter or depressed. put away all the things that remind you of them and just breathe. your still the same person you were before you met, being sad and hurt is ok. getting out and seeing a new place can really help because its something that's not tainted with memories. and most importantly remind your self that you cant take it out on everyone else because some one hurt you (new relationships included) and as bad as it might get sometimes don't regret it... you wouldn't have smiled the way you did in pictures or in your memories if the risk hadn't been worth it at the time. ^_^ hope it helps a little good luck!things will always work out for the better just wait and see.
Right now I'm at colossalcon, and going to have an awesome time. Hopefully I get to meet more people at the same con from here =D
lucinda @lucinda commented on Lonesome
Jun 05, 14 at 5:50am
I think the best way to get over someone is a night out with friends :)
Haha lucinda, if I had friends available like that I would enjoy that. But sadly I don't have many close friends that live near me.
Jun 20, 14 at 8:43pm
I can relate. Similar situation happened to me recently. Had a big fight because both of us didn't communicate well with the other. That's my story. I wish I had better luck at this stuff.
Nate @myrhev commented on Lonesome
Jun 20, 14 at 8:51pm
Call an escort service?
I don't need an escort service, I'll just escort myself around. @morph yeah man that sucks when that happens.
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