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Is weight an issue?

Aug 10, 14 at 7:22pm
Tell us more about these, Cat. ;P
weight is not realy an issue for me as long as your not having some serious heath is from it. I just what some one i can relate to.
I know, personally, that I need to lose weight. I don't want to be unhealthy and I don't want people to judge me on the outside before getting to know me. I've suffered with weight for most of my life but I've decided to take charge of the situation. I want to look at my absolute best when I walk down the aisle and know that I was at my best then. Because who wants their kids to look at their wedding pictures and say, "Mom, why do you look exactly the same?" The good thing about being with someone that acknowledges your weight is that they are willing to help you and will help you be at your best. The bad thing is that their honesty can be hurtful and hard to swallow. The good thing about being with someone that looks past your weight is that you know that they are always looking at you for you and that their love is genuine. The bad thing is that they look you so much that they don't see what the weight is doing to you and how it can be affecting your health no matter how much you say that you need to diet. (I just got out of this relationship) I don't mind if my sweetheart has some teddy bear fluff as long as it doesn't get out of hand. *Serious face* I don't want to be 35 and lose the love of my life to hardened arteries or diabetes. So, that's my take. :-)
Boomers from left 4 dead are pretty sexy not going to lie. I like they way they aren't shy to just approach a girl
KaotiK (from post before last on previous page) Lol! But I'm not scared of big girls being on top! I've had 300lb girls ride me and I was around 125lbs at the time.
I'm not heavy, just chubby but im tallll so im close to 200lbs. so its always nerve wracking being with guys! haha since i tend towards the shorter ones haha. so i guess weight is kinda an issue? idk i like chubby guys!
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Aug 15, 14 at 3:01am
There are extremes and certain builds that I'm not into. Bone skinny or Michelin Man rolls are a no. Carrying the fat a specific way is important too. Too much loose fat is unhealthy and sags like water in a grocery bag. Other than that, as long as their weight suits their face it's all good.
@Cat Big titties? really? If any guy says they don't like big tits is obviously a trap. @Miss how tall we talkin? *koffkoff6ft4inherekoffkoff*
Weight is not an issue for me. I'd be concerned if the lady has a health issue or suffering from a psychological disorder due to an unrealistic body image.
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