Using female character on MMOs

1337 @the1337
Using female character on MMOs
1337 @the1337
is it normal for a guy (gawd im straight ok) or not. I've been playin MMOs for while but my main character is always female lol

Sobi @sobi
commented on
Using female character on MMOs
Sobi @sobi
I actually know lots of guys who do that, even my happily married with kids big brother. Apparently in some MMOs you get free stuff from other characters is you play a female. I personally play all male characters when I play an MMO.

1337 @the1337
commented on
Using female character on MMOs
1337 @the1337
i dun use charm to get free stuff lol

NDA @zero21x
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Using female character on MMOs
NDA @zero21x
lol.. only when i have to gender locked classes or weird looking males

Julian1337 @julian1337
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Using female character on MMOs
Julian1337 @julian1337
if i get to custom the look of my avatar in an MMO or any game for that matter and im gonna be putting in hundreds of hours, I'd rather stare at a chick then dude. I know a lot of people that do this, mainly cause the armor looks cooler.

gone @normandy
commented on
Using female character on MMOs
gone @normandy
^ That is definitely true. XD But I do use some male characters as well. Probably about a 50/50 ratio of male to female characters.

piercedrocker @piercedrocker
commented on
Using female character on MMOs
piercedrocker @piercedrocker
i do that all the time its funny when guys take it seriously and come onto you then you have to break it to em that your a dude some of the reactions are classic ^^

L33K @l33k
commented on
Using female character on MMOs
L33K @l33k
Lmao this reminds me some random guy starts to flirts w/ u and u jus play along... trollface.jpg

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
commented on
Using female character on MMOs
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
I remember playing a female monk/elementalist with a slightly feminine name in Guild Wars a couple of years ago. The goal wasn't to trap people, play out a fantasy or look for handouts but to encourage more people to be cooporative, not stroke their online ego and not troll the shit out of us. It...worked...wonders.

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
commented on
Using female character on MMOs
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
If I am to spend hours grinding for gear, gold, and faction kills, I would rather stare at a pixelated female ass than a male one.
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