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Redeeming things about you

@xueli: I would cook for you np. Lol @yu: thanks. Welsh many more did to though. Lol @Godai: A three man one-y? A three-to-one Marny?
@Shinyumi yes my "Well thank you." comment wasn't sarcastic at all. Again sarcasm.
Hmmm.... If someone is sarcastically sarcastic are they sarcastic?
If shin falls in the woods and nobody is around to laugh, does it make a sound?
...squeal like a pig.;)
It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the shin again.
I am intelligent I can cook I am loyal I can love wholeheartedly I am terrific with children I encourage everyone to become autodidactic I am a very neat and clean person I am methodical
I love talking to people i care about, making cosplays, drawing, painting and cuddles
Hm, well I'm loyal and caring. I treat people as kindly and equal as I can. I love to cook. My intelligence is paired with common sense. I'm tall, but not skinny (been compared to that of a lovable teddy bear). I love to go out and do things but I have equal love to just stay in side and have fun there :).
So Loyal it's scary. Caring but not clingy for anything at that matter. Very strong willed. Do almost anything for a woman to laugh or even smile. Understanding but not ridiculed for doing so. Knowing when i'm wrong and able to learn from it. Honesty but almost impossible due to he said she said bashfulness. Respectful but vulgar if need be( Belief of earning respect and not demanding it.) Love to cook(Hate waiting for my food MY FOOOOOODD, Of course my parents insist.) Great at video games and it's history thanks to Krave Makiyo. Wouldn't know as much as i do today. Inside instead of outside type when it comes to relationships. Continuing to grow as i go in life.
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