This site needs more...

. @saita
This site needs more...
. @saita
Well frankly, it needs more aliens, espers, and time travellers.
But seriously, you'd think this site would have more interesting people.
Sure, not everyone uses the forum.
Also, the matching system, and search system, are crap.
Sure we all know this, and this isn't the reason for this little "rant" of mine.
I know not everyone here is looking for a relationship, even though this is a dating site.
Also, I know a lot of female users are pushed away by some of the more idiotic male users.
(This poorly written thread should explain "" And do try to ignore the people talking about hair)
But the point is, those of you who are looking for a relationship, you're not really putting yourself out there, nor are you telling us a lot about yourself in your profiles and such.
Now some of you, I for one, am terrible at describing myself, and i'm sure some of you are worried about putting some information out there to the public, obviously.
But can you people talk about things other than Anime and such? My gosh.
Hell, some of you don't even list a couple favorites.
Please, please have a personality more interesting than that of a pile of bricks, and maybe people will take interest in you.
Also, don't be afraid to tell people how you feel,
better to be rejected than to endlessly wonder, yes?
And who knows, you may just get lucky.
Don't be afraid of taking chances people.
For those of you who are waiting for "true love"? "the right one"?
You more than likely won't know whether they're right for you or not until you give things a chance, love is something that should develop over time.
This isn't MySpace between the years of 2004 and 2009, come on people.
It's still a dating site.
Put yourself out there, have some basic info in your profile, be more open minded, and learn to take chances.
And some of you, put yourself out there a little too much, such as some of our male users, most of which who don't use the forum, yet spam cute little Asian girls with "Welcome" messages everytime they join.
^ Go die in a fucking fire you animals.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
This site needs more...
Yu @metaljester
Definitely agree with putting yourself out there and taking a chance I just have to find the right time to do so. It takes me awhile to make a attempt at asking somebody out. I need to be friends with the person or at least talk to them for awhile before anything happens. Will bump this thread to help out in case it gets unnoticed.

. @saita
commented on
This site needs more...
. @saita
Yeah i'm the same way,
I need to either be friends with them already, or have talked for an extended period of time.
But still, there so many people too afraid to take chances, etc.
And many of which who aren't taking a few moments to describe themselves.
Sure, I personally would rather have people ask me questions,
instead of putting stuff in an "About Me" section.
But how are you going to meet friends and a potential lover if you put absolutely nothing in there? What would interest them enough to message you?
Some people don't even put "I'm not good at describing myself, but ask me anything! ^^"
in their profile and whatever.
Frankly, I think it's lazy, however harsh that may be.
Those who want friendships, and a potential relationship,
have to at least try, instead of just sitting around...

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
This site needs more...
yaasshat @yaasshat
Wee... Woo....Wee... Woo...Wee! Woo! Meh...I have nothing relevant to add.:P oh...Don't complain if you're not getting what you want here. Just make the best of it, be the change or turn off that damn computer. I do agree on most if not all of your points though. Just realize that if you're not acting like the "norm" here, you're more noticeable. How you choose to use that is up to you. I'm not looking so....
When I was young I us'd to wait
On the master and hand him his plate;
And Pass down the bottle when he got dry,
And brush away the blue tail fly.
Jimmy crack corn and I don't care,
Jimmy crack corn and I don't care,
Jimmy crack corn and I don't care,
My master's gone away.
An' when he ride in de afternoon,
I foiler wid a hickory broom;
De poney being berry shy,
When bitten by de blue tail fly.
One day he rode aroun' de farm,
De flies so numerous dey did swarm;
One chanced to bite 'im on the thigh.
De debble take dat blue tail fly.
De pony run, he jump an' pitch,
An' tumble massa in de ditch;
He died, an' de jury wonder'd why;
De verdic was de blue tail fly.
They buried him 'neath the sycamore tree
His epitaph there for to see
"Beneath this stone I'm forced to lie
The victim of a blue-tailed Fly.
Ol' massa's gone and I'll let him rest,
They say all things are for the best,
But I'll never forget 'til the day I die,
Ol' massa and that blue-tailed fly.
Jim crack corn, I don't care
Ol' massa's gone away

Yu @metaljester
commented on
This site needs more...
Yu @metaljester
Yeah at the same time they cant feel bad when people are not taking interest in them. Maiotaku like any other dating site does not mean you will get automatic dates and hookups by just being on there and saying the occasional hi and what not. You have to be able to get to know a person and form connections. Being determined if one person decides to not want you then you are willing to recover and find another person you are interested in as well.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
This site needs more...
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
There's other things to talk about besides anime?
And piles of bricks have feelings too, y'know

Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
This site needs more...
Karasu @kain_karasu
It's an otaku site can't really complain that that's the majority of what people talk about here >.> though I do get where you're coming from. Though if you want to discuss something other than anime or video games feel free to discuss away with me. Here's the topic: I'm designing artificial muscle and limbs based off of electromagnetic engineering which I will most likely implement in designs of an exo-suit, though I can't think of a way to make it fly, which makes me a sad panda...I guess I'll just have to jump really far.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
This site needs more...
yaasshat @yaasshat
Hmmm....make a Mario suit...jump like a grasshopper instead.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
This site needs more...
Yu @metaljester
You should make a tanooki suit. @karasu you should make a thread for the exo suit I would love to discuss it. That way we could prevent this thread from getting derailed bad.

Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
This site needs more...
Karasu @kain_karasu
I shall call it Metal Mario, and I'll equip it with a flamethrower that shapes the flames like all I need is a turtle/ mushroom uprising...
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