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For the love of alk that is sane.

Stop trying to change or control something you simply can't control, How immature are you? Even as active as this thread gets do you really think that will make someone want to read all these posts or even the most recent ones when all they are is arguing? If so you sure don't know much about how to attract youngsters to make them realize dangerous, You should try to learn from Smokey The Bear. Even that, Will be bad because that only goes to real young kids. Well as you can see, Your not bringing any teens to attention anything because do you really think they are going to want to participate in something they are so well aware of? They aren't stupid. In our very youth around ages all the way to middle school we are constantly taught of dangerous in this world, When you become a teen your already ware of the most dangerous and you start to learn and see the dangerous that are hidden in little cracks threw out society, When your an adult you already know pretty much where to steer clear of in order to lead a good life. Because of the internet it has rapidly improved the speed in which teens learn about these hidden dangerous and not every teen becomes a viticm of it, In fact more teens don't then they do. I'm not gonig to tell you what your doing it wrong but I will tell you that your efforts will be wasted because no teenager is going to come here to argue with you about how they have the right to be here anyway because its not a +18 dating site. And they have the upper hand on the arugment no matter how much fucking proof of peodfiles or evidence or complaints or opionons you throw at them do you know why? Because this isn't an 18+ dating site. And that is that, In this world. This is how it works. And you can try to influence it but I ensure you, Mai Otaku will NOT Become an 18+ Dating site. Want to know why? Because ANIME Sells most with Teens, As you can see. ANIME IS MOSTLY Directed towards teens and young adults. There are the little amount of 18+ That contains alot of violence and sex or offense but even that, Still gets watched by our teens now and days. You can't control everything especially if your a no body. You got to be a somebody in order to control things in this world, And the only somebodys are the people with the most influence in society, and most control and power. And that, Isn't you my friend.
Yudodat is probably a pedophile, Especially with no profile picture or about me. Your a pedophile in disguise aren't you? The one thing I will let other under age members know, Is to be weary of you. BE CAREFUL OF PEOPLE WITH NO PROFILE PICTURES OR ABOUT ME'S BECAUSE THAT IS VERY SUSPICIOUS NO MATTER WHAT WAY YOU LOOK AT IT.
Apr 24, 14 at 5:18pm
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You probably just made this thread to attract the members who are under 18 so you know which ones they are. Huh make sense don't it? Your ' Trying to make them know about murders and rapists? ' Is just the excuse you hide behind!! I KNOW WHAT YOUR REALLY PLANNING!! You just want them to post here to argue against you because this isn't an 18+ dating site, and they have the right to be here so you can scope out which ones they are!!!! I'm sorry but this seems to be quite legit. -Detective nod-
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I guess you are too old. Sorry. They have to be kept in there age groups.
he said he was over 18, so that means he could be like 40 lol
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