Because shin keeps bugging me to post this for him. .
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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Because shin keeps bugging me to post this for him. .
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
What would the difference be between a paper drawn 2-d loli vs a computer animated 3-d one?
Wouldn't they be the same?
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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Because shin keeps bugging me to post this for him. .
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
I'm personally not into Lolicon.. I'm into Shotacon~~ <3
da_uman @da_uman
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Because shin keeps bugging me to post this for him. .
da_uman @da_uman
It's a touchy subject to be honest and a lot of people won't agree with me on this i'd wager but i'll answer seriously about it. There is nothing wrong with it at all, a 14 girl or guy is sexually mature and it's 100% natural to be attracted to them, admittedly 14 doesn't really cover the range of lolicon out there but people hit sexually maturity at different ages as well as having different body types.
I'll try to cover as much of the lolicon spectrum of "ages" as i can with this by saying that if the person being shown in it shows an interest in sex and are even just starting to hit puberty, I personally don't see a problem with it at all. That said getting "involved" with a underage person isn't something i'd ever recommend, it's just not a good idea, i'd go so far as to say even if you yourself are also underage.
toe @toe
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Because shin keeps bugging me to post this for him. .
toe @toe
^To add what you were saying to I think it also has to do with maturity. There are younger people who exhibit much more maturity than legal "adults" so I think it's kind of hypocritical to simply deny certain things based on age when someone clearly shows they are capable of handling more serious topics and dealings.
yudodat @yudodat
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Because shin keeps bugging me to post this for him. .
yudodat @yudodat
This account has been suspended.
da_uman @da_uman
commented on
Because shin keeps bugging me to post this for him. .
da_uman @da_uman
I'm arguing for it's ok to like lolicon without feeling like a weirdo here not defending people who chase or date minors, if you read the last part of my previous post you'll find i agree with what you've said Yudodat. The only thing i disagree with is Sexual maturity, at 14 years old (speaking generally here) barring some sort of condition you'll absolutely be physically mature enough to engage in sex.
. @saita
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Because shin keeps bugging me to post this for him. .
. @saita
I'm surprised this sarcastic thread is getting serious replies suddenly.
I have no internet in lolicon, i'm going to have to agree with everything Da_uman said.
I also agree with toe's point 100%.
As for yudodat's statement. Right or wrong i'm going to have disagree with some of it.
It almost sounds like age discrimination in my opinion.
This "legal age" and what's "right and wrong" has changed over the years in this country(The US), and it's different in each country.
Getting on this topic seems almost pointless.
And I detest the fact that minors get off easy in courts.
The punishments should be equal. Period.
In fact, the punishments for the crimes people commit aren't severe enough.
da_uman @da_uman
commented on
Because shin keeps bugging me to post this for him. .
da_uman @da_uman
Yeah that's me kinda hijacking the thread and turning it serious Shin, i find it to be an interesting subject to talk about and i don't think anyone should feel bad about enjoying something that i believe to be 100% natural.
toe @toe
commented on
Because shin keeps bugging me to post this for him. .
toe @toe
Da_Uman gets street cred with me.
I like your style and you're a beautiful person.
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Because shin keeps bugging me to post this for him. .
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Here's some fun facts.
Up until the mid to late 1800s, the age of consent was 10-12, 7 in I believe rhode island? I'll have to double check that. Around the world, at that time, it was about the same. Until recently, japan wad 14. In Angola, its still 12. Human sexuality blooms around age 14-16, and although I dont recommend it, I can understand having the AoC at 15-16 simply because that's about the age they start experimenting with their sexuality.
The other reason I think it should be that age is because at the present moment, you cant get birth control without parents permition until 18. Because of this, "accidents" happen and they have nowhere they can turn if they are pro-life. Giving them the option of birth control without the fear or ridicule of their parents knowing, I believe, will cut down on teenage pregnancy and over all benefit everybody so we dont have to support their welfare.
Anyway, this topic was about lolicon, as in the anime/manga, not real people. It was semi-serious in regards to the topic, not at all though about shin. It was a joke I was playing with him. Just throwing that out there again that this is not about real people.
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