Youmacon 2014

Robtaku @xxranimexx
Youmacon 2014
Robtaku @xxranimexx
I know it's a bit early but is anyone planning on going to Youmacon this year? It's gonna be amazing! and if so, did you go before or are you gonna be new? and if you were there, How did you enjoy it last year?

hannahelizabeth13 @hannahelizabeth13
commented on
Youmacon 2014
hannahelizabeth13 @hannahelizabeth13
Last year was my first year going! it was absolutely amazing and i can't wait to go again! Your not the only one thinking early lol

FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
commented on
Youmacon 2014
FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
i would like to go but im kinda on the fence about it with it being in Detroit but i would like to go this year if i feel like i can..... just attended my first con last weekend at Shuto-Con in Lansing and if i do go to Youmacon i plan to cosplay for the first time as either Okabe Rintaro of Steins:Gate or Shiro from Log Horizon

Robtaku @xxranimexx
commented on
Youmacon 2014
Robtaku @xxranimexx
Yeah, a lot of people get put off that it's in Detroit but It isn't bad. A lot of people who went to Youma also went to shuto from what I remember also so maybe you'll meet someone from your last con.
But yeah, the location is pretty nice. It's in the Renaissance building aka the GM building and the Cobo Hall. So it's in a pretty nice area next to the boarder.

Death Wombat @deathwombat
commented on
Youmacon 2014
Death Wombat @deathwombat
I'm going there cause I am somewhat apart of the abridging community and Youmacon is kinda like the main gathering place of all the abridgers.

Sara @yaoifangirl
commented on
Youmacon 2014
Sara @yaoifangirl
I will be attending youmacon this year which will be my first convention and my first cosplay. I will be going as Erza from fairy tail.

Tomm @tawumpas
commented on
Youmacon 2014
Tomm @tawumpas
Working on my Mami (Madoka Magica) Cosplay. With a gender bend, though I do imagine Ide look dashing in a Magical Girl get-up.

Erranty @erranty
commented on
Youmacon 2014
Erranty @erranty
Went the last two years. First time I cosplayed as Anonymous, 2nd I cos'd as Captain Komamura from Bleach.
I'll be doing Komamura again this year because it was pretty expensive to make that costume.
Don't think I'll buy a badge though. A lot of their panels and programs are really badly managed, and the rave wasn't that much fun, we left it before that guy passed out from dehydration last year.
I didn't really do anything in the gaming room other than walk around and watch, and I didn't buy anything from the dealers either.
I guess for me all of the fun is just hanging out and meeting new people.

deuce831 @deuce831
commented on
Youmacon 2014
deuce831 @deuce831
I am looking at going this year as well, should be awesome! I am planning on going as Snake from MGS

ronined @ronined
commented on
Youmacon 2014
ronined @ronined
I will be there.
Friday: Gintoki Sakata
Saturday: Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Sunday: Hououin Kyouma
Hope to see you guys there.
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