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are otaku girls really hard to find?

I agree xueli, as I said, beauty is fleeting but bitch is forever. However, I admit to having overlooked a certain amount of bitchiness in the past if the girl looked exceptionally good. It tended to sour fast though. First serious relationship I had was with a girl that I considered extremely attractive. She was great at first, but the more I got to know her, the less I liked her. In the end I found out she had been lying to me about a lot of things and cheating as well. That soured me for a while and I let it make me paranoid and suspicious, which wrecked my next relationship.
So not! Men are just picky whether they're otaku or not D:!
I would like to know where i could find an otaku girl! i can care less what she looks like, i just wanna be in a relationship wtih a woman that i can be myself around. :(
I gotta agree with jineko on this one lol guys are extremely picky. ( not implying that I am >.>)
Wish dem guys would first look at themselves in a mirror before judging. D:
Everyone is picky, not just guys. Besides, I can't imagine jineko has any trouble finding a date.
Well I guess I am picky :< and I would be lying if I said looks weren't everythingg, so yea there are lots of otaku girls but guys can be picky e.e... girls too ofc
Well, you guys are right. But since you guys are picky just acknowledge that there are A LOT of otaku girls around. :)) ...just not your type.. ooooorrr you just don't wanna give them any chance. @Nate I really am not looking for a date. I just want a friend LOL to talk to and harass :(
There are tons of them well in high school you just gotta go to the clubs and all :x... and yes it's true all trueee for me anyways A) not me type B) Picky) C) Don't wanna get involved again
I'm not picky, they just have to be over 18 and want to cuddle and watch anime, anyone interested?
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