Hiya! New to this site

sugarprince @sugarprince
Hiya! New to this site
sugarprince @sugarprince
Hi! New user here.
Was hoping someone here could tell me more about this site please?

deardrops @deardrops
commented on
Hiya! New to this site
deardrops @deardrops
Hi Hii~!!
Welcome good persons to MaiOtaku~!!
All I can be sure to tell you is that just about everyone here is a super great bunch of people so by all means don't be afraid to say 'hi' to anyone at all. ^^
Mmm, well there's a bunch of forums stuff ~ We've also got a skype group going that was set up pretty recently and also a Tinychat that's on like 24-7. There tends to always be a few people there to chat up so head there if you've got a little bit of time :p
Anywhoo ~ Do try n' stay active so you can get to know everyone. That said, enjoy your stay!

sugarprince @sugarprince
commented on
Hiya! New to this site
sugarprince @sugarprince
I'll try to be active, but college life takes up alot of my time. But thanks for the advice, much appreciated!
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