Cee @sorewachigauyo
Cee @sorewachigauyo
Hi ;v; I am new here and I have no idea what's what but hello!! My name is Cee and I like drawing
and Dangan Ronpa
and Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney (please don't spoil anything for me;;; )
and various 3DS/DS games LOL
Is this an active community? What does everybody kind of do here? Thank you ♪

deardrops @deardrops
commented on
deardrops @deardrops
HI HII o vo!!
Cee~! My name's Sean ^^ Pleased to make your acquaintance!
All of those things in very good taste I see c: Did you play through the Dangan Ronpa game? Or watch a video of the play through? I found it to be a hella lot better than the Animation (though they did a splendid job at doing it) only because the game got so much more in depth with it all. :p
I used to play Pokemon X and Fire Emblem, but I kind of dropped it for this past lil' while. What kind of games do you play for 'em?
Uhm well there's quite a bit of regulars I can tell you that much :D Interesting characters and a pretty great bunch overall, I think at least. :p
Anyway, welcome to MaiOtaku
do try and stay active!
If you wanna get in touch, just write on my wall or send me an inbox n' whatnot - if you wanna talk or need help with the site or whatever, I'll be there. :D
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