A anime series you watched on accident

Namani @namaniiamani
A anime series you watched on accident
Namani @namaniiamani
Ever came across a anime you thought was cool or interesting because of the title and was completely different from what you thought?

Yon702 @yon702
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A anime series you watched on accident
Yon702 @yon702
Space dandy was forced to watch it during a random meet and it was amazing , and still watching

Forneus @forneus
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A anime series you watched on accident
Forneus @forneus
In one of my old relationships I tried to get her into anime, she only agreed to watch anime she chose. In the end she chose only 2 series D.N Angel and Peach girl, which strangely got me quite interested on romance themed anime.

deardrops @deardrops
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A anime series you watched on accident
deardrops @deardrops
School Days wasn't what I was expecting at all... Q_Q;.. my childhood all in one go. </3.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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A anime series you watched on accident
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Boku no Pico...

PhantomEin @phantomein
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A anime series you watched on accident
PhantomEin @phantomein
Hakuoki shinsengumi i was searching for a yaoi that had to do with the three kingdoms and instead came across this one and became obsessed lol

Karasu @kain_karasu
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A anime series you watched on accident
Karasu @kain_karasu
Outbreak Company: Kinda stumbled upon it while searching for other anime and it looked/ sounded interesting. It started off slow and silly but gradually got more serious; thought it was a pretty good find.

wolfhalley @wolfhalley
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A anime series you watched on accident
wolfhalley @wolfhalley

Arc @arc
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A anime series you watched on accident
Arc @arc
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. I went to an anime club meeting in college and saw a trailer for it. It was an awesome series. I love that survival stuff.

Amrod @amrodcalanor
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A anime series you watched on accident
Amrod @amrodcalanor
Boku No Pico
I know man T_T
Big mistake..
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