Affordable care act is a lie

Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
Affordable care act is a lie
Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
I use to support this bill a long time ago.
Recently I learned the law redefines what "full-time" is to about 24 hours a week. Since it requires employers who hire full time to provide insurance a lot of employers are cutting hours of all of their workers. That means those people will need to get a 2nd to 3rd job.
This on top of all the other things people have discovered about the bill. The bill seems to do everything but make healthcare affordable,

xueli @xueli
commented on
Affordable care act is a lie
xueli @xueli
I hear a lot of media perpetuated anecdotes about this, yet I haven't seen any actual legit statistics. If you have any, I'd be interested to see :)

Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
commented on
Affordable care act is a lie
Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
Actually my friend who works at kohls just told me this happened to her. I read some of the bill and actually misread the part that probably did this. Lil busy. Will see if I can get the info.

Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
Affordable care act is a lie
Karasu @kain_karasu
There's a lot wrong with the affordable health care act. For instance the fact that you will be fined if you don't have health insurance. Which is absurd, if I total the amount I've paid in hospital visits for my entire life vs. the amount I'm going to have to pay for the minimal health insurance even for a year, the hospital visits are still less. Now think about how much I'm going to have to pay for insurance for the rest of my life vs. the total amount of hospital visits I might incur in my lifetime. There's a huge difference in the amount. I don't need insurance, nor do I want insurance. Insurance has always been a scam in my eyes. It's like why I quit my last job, I was paying nearly half of what I was supposed to get for taxes and 'benefits' I wasn't, wouldn't, or couldn't use. I feel it's wrong to fine people for not purchasing health insurance...I feel it's wrong for the nation to force companies into a corner to provide insurance...sorry if it seems like I was ranting...

Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
commented on
Affordable care act is a lie
Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
^I like this guy.

nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
commented on
Affordable care act is a lie
nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
Still, the goal is just that. AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE.

adam4472 @adam4472
commented on
Affordable care act is a lie
adam4472 @adam4472
Petty Americans and your non state subsidised healthcare.
But on a more serious note, i recently looked at the price of certain operations and i am absolutely appalled at how much you Americans have to pay if you break your leg or need surgery.
It is absolutely ridiculous. For a developed country you aren't very up-to date on the latest social welfare laws.

Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
Affordable care act is a lie
Karasu @kain_karasu
It's because of the health insurance system getting worse and worse over the years that we have to pay so much for operations or visits, which I agree is absolutely ridiculous. And the affordable health care act is only going to make it worse otherwise hospitals take a huge hit to their income. The whole health care/ hospital interface system in America needs to be reformed. Though I doubt it will be any time soon...

zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
commented on
Affordable care act is a lie
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
Well that's because hospitals ate no longer run by doctors but by business men and to the eyes of a business man itsabout how much money they can get thatsthat's why ima be a doctor so iI can cchange this

Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
Affordable care act is a lie
Karasu @kain_karasu
Good luck with that zero, it's pretty much an impossible task...I swear the way this country is changing it'd be easier to bring about the apocalypse than it would be to make any good changes...pretty sure I'm just gonna start building giant robots and work on nano-machines and go all mad scientist on the world one day...
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