Golden Time Opinions

RequiemsLove @requiemslove
Golden Time Opinions
RequiemsLove @requiemslove
So, i been keeping up on the episodes of Golden Time as they come out each week.
whats your opinion of the show?

jtornado @jtornado
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Golden Time Opinions
jtornado @jtornado
Love it. Pretty much all of the characters are likeable and the story is pretty engaging.
That last cliffhanger was a killer.

fukurou @fukurou
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Golden Time Opinions
fukurou @fukurou
I like it. It isn't jammed full of anime tropes which is pretty refreshing. The plot is pretty solid and even if you're not a fan of romance it's still enjoyable to watch.

RequiemsLove @requiemslove
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Golden Time Opinions
RequiemsLove @requiemslove
I agree with both of you. Golden time is a perfect example of an anime with a enjoyable storyline.

rakushun @rakushun
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Golden Time Opinions
rakushun @rakushun
I do you anime reviews on this show
my channel is TheOldBoy82

RequiemsLove @requiemslove
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Golden Time Opinions
RequiemsLove @requiemslove
channel on what?

DJOkami @djokami
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Golden Time Opinions
DJOkami @djokami
oh boy I love Golden Time. I have a bad feeling its not going to end the way I want it thought with Koko-chan in the end and it puts a lot of fear in continuing on watching the anime. BanrixKoko!

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
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Golden Time Opinions
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Looks like this will be one of my favorite anime to start off the year

RequiemsLove @requiemslove
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Golden Time Opinions
RequiemsLove @requiemslove
omg im in favor of BanriXKoko as well DJ! this last weeks episode has left me wishing for a damn time machine to see next weeks episode!

gyokuuen @gyokuuen
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Golden Time Opinions
gyokuuen @gyokuuen
BanriXYana the bromance was off the charts
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