Any Anime Fans From California?

UliCam @ulicam
Any Anime Fans From California?
UliCam @ulicam
If anyone is interesting in discussing about anime or any topic in general you can drop by and talk.

devilsshard @devilsshard
commented on
Any Anime Fans From California?
devilsshard @devilsshard
How's it going? Thought i was the only one around here that liked anime X.X(Rancho Cordova is where i am =P)

UliCam @ulicam
commented on
Any Anime Fans From California?
UliCam @ulicam
There are many people in California that love anime, they just don't use site like these. They are all usually on Facebook

Reicharu @reicharu
commented on
Any Anime Fans From California?
Reicharu @reicharu
Cali Calling, Hello there
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