K @kaitouheart
K @kaitouheart
So I was wondering: who's a Mapler? I got hooked in high school and have been playing off and on ever since. Although my brother's Korean friend thought I was too old for it, haha.
ikkoku @ikkoku
commented on
ikkoku @ikkoku
I've tried it out when it first came out. After I realized it was sucking the life out of my friends who played it, I stopped before that happened to me.
HKPlastik @hkplastik
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HKPlastik @hkplastik
I am a Mapler. I love the hell out of that game. XD I play both Global and the Japanese versions.
felinoel @felinoel
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felinoel @felinoel
I used to be a Mapler, then I finished college a year or so ago and stopped playing and tried to pick it up again to find that I forgot the password and my account was stupidly set to my college email so I can't retrieve my account... Y^Y
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