Looking for new friends , I'm newbie ^^

pinandhita @pinandhita
Looking for new friends , I'm newbie ^^
pinandhita @pinandhita
hello everyone ^^

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Looking for new friends , I'm newbie ^^
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
HElloooooooooooooooooooooooooo <(^_^)^o

pinandhita @pinandhita
commented on
Looking for new friends , I'm newbie ^^
pinandhita @pinandhita
yippii , i have a new friend , ^^

blackmage @blackmage
commented on
Looking for new friends , I'm newbie ^^
blackmage @blackmage
Welcome to MaiOtaku! ;) I hope you will find a lot of good friends here! If you need help just say the magic word and blackmage will help you! (^o^)

pinandhita @pinandhita
commented on
Looking for new friends , I'm newbie ^^
pinandhita @pinandhita
hihihi , thank you so much blackmage, your display name is so cute ^^

xShiroy @shiroy
commented on
Looking for new friends , I'm newbie ^^
xShiroy @shiroy
Heeeeeeeeeey :3 I hope you okay and have fun here xD

pinandhita @pinandhita
commented on
Looking for new friends , I'm newbie ^^
pinandhita @pinandhita
hihi okay as always xshiroy ^^ I hope you too, there ^^

mystic_angel16 @mystic_angel16
commented on
Looking for new friends , I'm newbie ^^
mystic_angel16 @mystic_angel16
hellooooo!! ^_−☆
welcome to the site (^人^)

pinandhita @pinandhita
commented on
Looking for new friends , I'm newbie ^^
pinandhita @pinandhita
hihi thank you angel ^^ you're so kind ^^

mystic_angel16 @mystic_angel16
commented on
Looking for new friends , I'm newbie ^^
mystic_angel16 @mystic_angel16
no problem (^ー^)ノ
reaallllyyy??? (OvO)
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