College in Japan?

Tally24 @tally24
College in Japan?
Tally24 @tally24
Since I'm a senior now it's time to start applying to colleges. My dream has always been to attend one in Japan though. I've already got a place picked out that's almost like a prequel to college (sorry not sure what the word is >.<) Basically it's a language/learning center for foreigners who wish to attend college in Japan. They give you a crash course in the language (as well as other school subjects) while working with you to get in entrance exams, student visas, ect till you're ready to go!
It seemed like the perfect plan, but now that it's almost a reality a ton of people are suddenly coming up to me, saying that I just HAVE to get a degree in America, otherwise I'll never find a job, be broke, ect ect ect. I'm really sick of this -.- I mean, if all those Japanese citizens attend their colleges and are able to find jobs and sustain a living, why can't I? Idk, just getting a little discouraged. Has anyone ever heard of Japanese degrees being worthless?

Moriko_Lili @moriko_lili
commented on
College in Japan?
Moriko_Lili @moriko_lili
I think they mean that the degree wouldn't mean much in America. Whether or not that's true, I wouldn't know. ^^;

CrazyClassicist @crazyclassicist
commented on
College in Japan?
CrazyClassicist @crazyclassicist
First and foremost, good luck with college admissions in general. I was doing the same last year. Regarding a degree from a foriegn depends. Do you intend on stopping at an undergraduate level of education? If so, if you want a job in America, I would lean toward an American College, because if you get a degree here and then learn Japanese, you can get both the American and Japanese jobs fairly easily, because Americans know where you school is at, knows its reputation, and feel like they are hiring "one of their own", so to speak. The Japanese are always willing to hire foreigners who aren't idiots and who can speak and write fluent Japanese, especially now with Japanese companies transitioning over to using solely English and the dire need for someone to help them do that.I would suggest doing a study abroad year in Japan, if that is the case. If you intend to go on to a graduate program...your undergrad doesn't really matter, with your GPA and test scores accounting for 90% of deciding whether or not you can get in. I would also recommend studying abroad for only a year just to see if you really like living in actual Japan, then, if you really, really do, you can either transfer to a Japanese school later, or head there after college for a graduate degree or a job. Just my two cents, though.

Lonewolfsinger @lonewolfsinger
commented on
College in Japan?
Lonewolfsinger @lonewolfsinger
sounds like the best advice i have heard CrazyClassicist. was always curious to that myself. wanted to do something like that myself awhile back. life tended to have other plans. Good luck there Tally24.

nerv01 @nerv01
commented on
College in Japan?
nerv01 @nerv01
You can try Temple university of Japan in Tokyo its pretty easy to get into, I'm going to Kansai college Osaka for two years to study in japan but the damn plane ticket is expensive so I have to wait but I have the G.I bill so I'm good for funds. Drifting of topic but go to,, google tuj.
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