Kushina looking for her Minato

Luna(Ronnie) @lunanamikaze
Kushina looking for her Minato
Luna(Ronnie) @lunanamikaze
looking for someone can handle me but do so in a loving way. someone who well love me at my wost, and hold me at my weakest. So to put it short someone to put their Minato to my Kushina, their Rin to my Shiemi, or their Natsu to my Lucy

ffftitans @ffftitans
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Kushina looking for her Minato
ffftitans @ffftitans
lol what anime are those

Luna(Ronnie) @lunanamikaze
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Kushina looking for her Minato
Luna(Ronnie) @lunanamikaze
Naruto, Ao no Exorcist, and Fairy Tail. why is funny?...

mobored101 @mobored101
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Kushina looking for her Minato
mobored101 @mobored101
but only minato and kushina are together out of those animes

Luna(Ronnie) @lunanamikaze
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Kushina looking for her Minato
Luna(Ronnie) @lunanamikaze
I know but that other two would be good together

mobored101 @mobored101
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Kushina looking for her Minato
mobored101 @mobored101
they really would be good together

wolfyxuchiha @wolfyxuchiha
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Kushina looking for her Minato
wolfyxuchiha @wolfyxuchiha

Karasu @kain_karasu
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Kushina looking for her Minato
Karasu @kain_karasu
I was under the impression that Natsu and Lisanna would eventually get back together since they were basically a couple when they were younger

Luna(Ronnie) @lunanamikaze
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Kushina looking for her Minato
Luna(Ronnie) @lunanamikaze
Yea but Lucy is alive

silverokumura @silverokumura
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Kushina looking for her Minato
silverokumura @silverokumura
I understood all your references.
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