Holiday Matsuri 2013 FL

VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
Holiday Matsuri 2013 FL
VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
Might be going with my friend...if I can get my staff in her car. >.< I'll be female Jack Frost. Just wondering if anyone else in Central Florida will be going.

Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
commented on
Holiday Matsuri 2013 FL
Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
Of course I'm going. I'm driving! XD

Belle @hitomitsukimi
commented on
Holiday Matsuri 2013 FL
Belle @hitomitsukimi
I'm going for sure!!! As shinigami Mashiro Kuna <3

VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
commented on
Holiday Matsuri 2013 FL
VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
Sweets! And I know your going Kitty! <.< Still gotta figure out how to get in staff in your tiny little car. XD One time I'll look right at a convention. Jack Frost. lol

-.- @ooreikaoo
commented on
Holiday Matsuri 2013 FL
-.- @ooreikaoo
WHAT?! :( I didn't even know about this! Its only 1hour and 30 minutes away! Someone take me withhhh you.

LameDudeConnor @lamedudeconnor
commented on
Holiday Matsuri 2013 FL
LameDudeConnor @lamedudeconnor
I'll be hitting it up there myself with my two roomies. :)
We have a booth in the dealers room.

VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
commented on
Holiday Matsuri 2013 FL
VictorianNightmare @chibiniibuni
Sweet! :D
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