Ever wish/want to have a Cosplay Partner?

Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
commented on
Ever wish/want to have a Cosplay Partner?
Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet

Pawlitics @pawlitics
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Ever wish/want to have a Cosplay Partner?
Pawlitics @pawlitics
Solution: giant cosplay group. Who's in?

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Ever wish/want to have a Cosplay Partner?
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>Woot~!</strong></font>

rozecosplay @rozecosplay
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Ever wish/want to have a Cosplay Partner?
rozecosplay @rozecosplay
I normally never do cosplay groups,inless the other people i know 'have' the same cosplays allready (or like differnt characters etc.)

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
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Ever wish/want to have a Cosplay Partner?
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
I have a cosplay partner actually. She is my best friend too. For next year we are doing Catherine Cosplays together (she will be Catherine and I Vincent), and then we are doing Mass Effect and maybe Dr. Who too.

Terumi @terumi
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Ever wish/want to have a Cosplay Partner?
Terumi @terumi
I have actually nevered cosplayed before. It would be great to have someone share the moment XD.

agentorange @agentorange
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Ever wish/want to have a Cosplay Partner?
agentorange @agentorange
Allll the time! I would love to find someone who would want to cosplay with me, that is like my dreamm!! Lol or even a group of people to group cosplay would be awesome, even if it was only for a convention, so if anyone would ever be interested let me know!! Im always up for anything :D

ausriasan @ausriasan
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Ever wish/want to have a Cosplay Partner?
ausriasan @ausriasan
I used to have one.. My ex. It's so much fun. My last con was so miserable without one. It just makes your con experience so much better. Not to mention all the fanservice you could do.

Aria D Gaia @shefoxy
commented on
Ever wish/want to have a Cosplay Partner?
Aria D Gaia @shefoxy
Yes! I sure do! It'd be heavenly to have a cosplayer boyfriend so that we could dress up for conventions together and help each other with our costumes & props. Ohhh... I'd give almost anything to find a good cosplay guy who's a bit nerdy to be mine! T^T
lol~ Nvm me. ^^ I'm being silly. It would be great to have some friends to cosplay with though~ Right now I have no one and, yes ausriasan.. it is quite lonesome wondering a convention alone. T^T

nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
commented on
Ever wish/want to have a Cosplay Partner?
nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
Group cosplays are awesome! If you don't know anyone who wants to do what you want, try to meet others at the convention! I did that at the first convention I went to alone (I went to others with friends before) as Grell from Black Butler (picture to the left) and I met the best male Ciel ever, and it was his first con and he was alone, so I dragged him around as my pet shota and it was so much fun! You wouldn't believe how many people took pictures of us lol. So great. I'm still in contact with him and he's going to crash at my house for a con later in the year lol. He's doing Yukio from Ao no Exorcist and I was thinking of maybe doing Rin for a day.
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