Anime USA~

SkeletonSkylar @skylarr
Anime USA~
SkeletonSkylar @skylarr
Is anyone going?! ;;

ArcadiaEclipse @arcadiaeclipse
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Anime USA~
ArcadiaEclipse @arcadiaeclipse
I plan to be there. Just gotta figure out a room situation. XD

loserdroid @loserdroid
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Anime USA~
loserdroid @loserdroid
I plan on going. It'll be my first con. (My Otakon plans got ruined) x'D

SeleneHino @selenehino
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Anime USA~
SeleneHino @selenehino
I plan on going and Hope to have Lulu (FFX) by then

dividebyxero @dividebyxero
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Anime USA~
dividebyxero @dividebyxero
I will be there too. I have pre-reged and have my room booked. This will be my 3rd A-USA. I will cosplay as Roy Mustang from FMA and Vincent from FF7. I have a new cosplay planned too....but it's a secret to be debuted at A-USA ;)
@LoserDroid this is a great con to start off at. It not as overwhelming as otakon but not as quiet as smaller cons.
So what are you cosplaying as?

ArcadiaEclipse @arcadiaeclipse
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Anime USA~
ArcadiaEclipse @arcadiaeclipse
Got the room thing worked out. I'm mainly doing Hetalia this year. If I finish everything in time I'll have 2 versions of Germany, 2 versions of Russia and regular America. Might bring Axel from KH but still undecided if I'll even wear him.

Giostar @masterzetsu
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Anime USA~
Giostar @masterzetsu
wooooooot one more day!!!

SeleneHino @selenehino
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Anime USA~
SeleneHino @selenehino
OMG I was not happy with AUSA this year
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