Would you...
jay_nativeotaku @jay_nativeotaku
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jay_nativeotaku @jay_nativeotaku
go hunting for Deathclaws? What else would you like to hunt? lol random topic
Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
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Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
Da fuq is a Deathclaw??
In The Rain @toxicblue
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In The Rain @toxicblue
Myabe if i was fully equipped i'd hunt for deathclaws. if what im thinking you're refrencing Fall out. but nazi zombies are even pore fun to hunt
jay_nativeotaku @jay_nativeotaku
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jay_nativeotaku @jay_nativeotaku
@kittygourmet deathclaws are mutated vicious monsters from the Fallout games
@in the rain yeah, nazi zombies huh, gonna need to get some stuff from the box haha
maybe a ray gun and packapunch it
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
It is one of my goals in life to slay a dragon in melee combat, sword and shield style, will have to save up alof of money for that since you cant legally hunt Komodo Dragons these days...
I'd also like to 1v1 against a Lion, only using spear and oxhide shield, Masai Warrior style...
In addition, when I get the full moon blues, I venture into the night armed with salt, wooden stake, silver dagger and of course Katana.
I'll leave it up to your imagination what I hunt, but I'll admit I have yet to catch anything to this date...
jay_nativeotaku @jay_nativeotaku
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jay_nativeotaku @jay_nativeotaku
Nice Poptimus Rhyme, a dragon, lol komodo dragons,and children of the night.
I haven't said what I would like to hunt.
I would like to hunt the ultimate predator the Predator, a thresher maw from mass effect, or a titanic hydra from Magic the Gathering. Either of these would be epic and challenging haha.
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
In all honesty, I would prefer hunting humans if i was to pick only one thing, how challenging is a prey that can think and do what you can yourself? if only there were some no-mans-land were sociopaths like me could go have a free for all...
jay_nativeotaku @jay_nativeotaku
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jay_nativeotaku @jay_nativeotaku
like an island, maybe from BTOOOM! or something similar haha
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
Yeah, would be pretty sweet to have a place to go all "battle royal"
jay_nativeotaku @jay_nativeotaku
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jay_nativeotaku @jay_nativeotaku
sweet indeed
imagine if the colosseum were still active today haha
sign up for an awesome time
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