Guys that like curvy girls??? >///////<

neko_mimi5560 @neko_mimi5560
Guys that like curvy girls??? >///////<
neko_mimi5560 @neko_mimi5560
(O/////O )Are there any guys out there who like curvy women?

bookwatcher @bookwatcher
commented on
Guys that like curvy girls??? >///////<
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
yes but there kinda like the yeti. Ya hear about them but you never actually get to meet one.

neko_mimi5560 @neko_mimi5560
commented on
Guys that like curvy girls??? >///////<
neko_mimi5560 @neko_mimi5560
Lol not really since guys tend to like slender girls we are mostly single

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
Guys that like curvy girls??? >///////<
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Yea some guys do, but I enjoy girls with curves

neko_mimi5560 @neko_mimi5560
commented on
Guys that like curvy girls??? >///////<
neko_mimi5560 @neko_mimi5560
Its nice to see that :D

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
commented on
Guys that like curvy girls??? >///////<
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

neko_mimi5560 @neko_mimi5560
commented on
Guys that like curvy girls??? >///////<
neko_mimi5560 @neko_mimi5560
I understand you

bookwatcher @bookwatcher
commented on
Guys that like curvy girls??? >///////<
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
chuckles. i think i got healthy curves... i hope. And hey, I dont mind a guy who has some curves. They are so soft and cuddley.

blackmage @blackmage
commented on
Guys that like curvy girls??? >///////<
blackmage @blackmage
Curves.... *nose bleed* ( °٢° )

zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
commented on
Guys that like curvy girls??? >///////<
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
No mage stay with us *gets tissue* then again curves........... *nosebleed*
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