Japan on American Otaku
mctwitchwithfries @mctwitchwithfries
Japan on American Otaku
mctwitchwithfries @mctwitchwithfries
So...I was just wondering, what do actual Japanese otaku think of us? Is there some sort of gap between us, or are otaku pretty much a universal culture?
mctwitchwithfries @mctwitchwithfries
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Japan on American Otaku
mctwitchwithfries @mctwitchwithfries
In example, in computer fanboys, you have basically 3 distinct groups that don't really get along: Windows users, Apple fanboys (and girls), and the Linux users. Just wondering if that existed here lol
WinryRinElric @ezrarinelric
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Japan on American Otaku
WinryRinElric @ezrarinelric
Well Japan it's actually taken rather offensively if you call someone an otaku, so it's probably strange to them they we take the label in stride lol.
mctwitchwithfries @mctwitchwithfries
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Japan on American Otaku
mctwitchwithfries @mctwitchwithfries
I thought they'd kinda grown into it, like some Americans eventually accepted slurs like nerd and geek lol but yeah. That would be pretty weird xD
Dwinor @dwinor
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Japan on American Otaku
Dwinor @dwinor
Kind of what twitch was saying, I had thought that they were more or less accepting the term "Otaku" and that it wasn't nearly as bad of a thing as it use to be.
I could be completely wrong though. /shrug
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