Anyone have weird dreams? Sleeptalk?
Karasu @kain_karasu
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Anyone have weird dreams? Sleeptalk?
Karasu @kain_karasu
Weird dreams eh? I guess I should say mine fall more under the category of epic, considering I've been having recurring dreams about the same subject in a ridiculously coherent fashion that makes it seem like it has it's own plot and everything o.o, I'd say about 30% of my dreams fall out of this category, which really leaves me with pretty much the longest, most drawn out, epic continuous story that has both its heart-felt, and terrifying moments, moments of despair, and moments of high pitched adrenaline fueled battles...I have yet once to see these dreams fall out of the scope of physically possible, all of them take place in my what I assume to be my subconcious' rendition of the future. I'd like to say I remember most all of them but I'm sure that I've forgotten some and some tidbits, I tried writing a book about what my dreams were about...however it fell apart when I tried to re-write it...anyways yeah besides the whole recurring plot device dream thing >.> I've been told that I don't snore, however I often laugh in my sleep apparently (only what I've been told) annnnd weirder still I've had a few people tell me during my time at an academy that a few times instead of laughing joyously it was more demonic and creepy (not even sure I want to try to psycho-analyze that one)
Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
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Anyone have weird dreams? Sleeptalk?
Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
D'oh! My bad. xD
Oh my gosh, isn't sleepwalking scary though???
Oh my gosh. That's just crazy! I've had dreams that inspired me to make stories too. Dreams can be awesome that way. :3
I know I don't snore either haha. Probably because I'm a light sleeper.
And oh gosh, that's creepy!
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
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Anyone have weird dreams? Sleeptalk?
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
I have all sorts of weird dreams, since all mine seem like I'm just awake and it's the very next day. The weirdest part is that sometimes my dreams are almost identical to how my day turns out.
Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
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Anyone have weird dreams? Sleeptalk?
Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
Oh my gosh! I sometimes get dreams like those..but only from bad things. Like a "warning" dream and then it actually happens..
blackmage @blackmage
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Anyone have weird dreams? Sleeptalk?
blackmage @blackmage
@Prism I think that I was more confused instead of scared lol. xD
As we all waited for! I finally dreamed a dream YAHOO! I dreamed I was a Pirate captain on a frigate, so far this a good dream right, I mean Pirate captain on a frigate right? NONO this dream totally ruin it for me lol!
I ordered people to sail but none was there only me but still it sailed though. Then the most weirdest thing happen. I bumped into everything on my way boat, whale, bridge and islands and so on this bumping continiued until I woke up... Sigh.. This dream shows that im a complete retard lol! xD I want a new dream! :(
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
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Anyone have weird dreams? Sleeptalk?
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
It's not people don't dream Black, a majority dont remember what they dream about. Lol Prism I get those too quite a bit.
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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Anyone have weird dreams? Sleeptalk?
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
i was dreaming that i was delevering pizzas wtf
blackmage @blackmage
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Anyone have weird dreams? Sleeptalk?
blackmage @blackmage
@Silver's Silent yes you are right everyone is dreaming, I actually mean remembered instead dreamed but ya! xD
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
commented on
Anyone have weird dreams? Sleeptalk?
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
Not everyone actually dreams either black, a few people actually don't dream at all.
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
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Anyone have weird dreams? Sleeptalk?
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
But what if your dreaming right now and mage are you sure you just aren't talking about assassins creed
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