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Are Otaku girls cute or innocent?

Evilanamay you just won this debate lol
it's not or but it's both! ...
Oct 09, 12 at 9:43am
I'd like to think cute and innocent girls exist. It would be nice to find a girl with a "fluttershy" personality. But yeah, I've never met one. All the girls I've ever met are not even close to innocent. Honestly if a girl isn't genuinely innocent she shouldn't try to act like it. That kind of thing would just make me irritated.
I've met more innocent and cute boys than girls. Though they do exist. You won't find a lot of 'innocent' people in western culture... Only because if they really are, they have smaller circles of friends, or are goal oriented and may not have a lot of friends. They may be in a band, club or even working. They're not always focused on friends and people, so you may not run into them. Especially if they're cute. Cute people don't want to be spotted, but they want to be seen... And felt. They want you to notice them. Not just how they dress, but them... And that's hard when you're shy and most boys are looking for superficiality. Shy boys and girls can get along, but it can be hard to meet. They exist, but they won't come to you... Because they don't look at you as something to claim or find. But when they do... And you take the time to see them.. Like... Truly. It's a good thing. <3
any girl can be cute but no girl can be innocent. they have all joined the dark side
Girls complain about guys, guys complain about girls. We just didn't know about it until MySpace and Facebook. People in general just act different around certain groups of friends. What I see with most girls nowadays if you try and just be their friend they think the only intention you have is to date them or get in their pants. So if your getting a cold shoulder from them they must not be into you and isn't worth a bit of your time to be friends with them since they are so one track minded
I have had girlfriends/potential relationships/flings with girls that are preppy and share little in common with me, as well as gamer/artist/otaku girls, and some in between... I can honestly say that all of these girls share some negative traits that I don't like regarding this topic. whether it be the insatiable need for attention from other guys even when they claim they don't, actions certainly speak louder than words, or whether it be a general disposition of rudeness to a guy like myself who is very emotional and tender. it's hard to describe exactly what I'm saying, but I have known and experienced this from all sorts of girls, so sadly, I think even among those who we like to think we match up with, it's hard to find the right girl. Certainly I have often pondered if the problem lies in me, but it doesnt really make sense that if I try to be romantic, it often is greeted with resistance and even a rude demeanor. I have only ever taken relationships seriously, and It has left me sad more often than not wondering why there isn't a girl out there who thinks and feels the way I do about relationships, life, etc. yeah, i dunno if any of this makes sense to anyone... /rant huff... puff..
`Not cute, not entirely innocent. Sorry bud.
im pretty cute, but not innocent.
I'm cute...nowhere near innocent. But I can pretend if you'd like. fufufu.(。◕‿◕。)
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