Is it odd that I run to anime music??

NeodyneVSSE84 @neodynevsse84
Is it odd that I run to anime music??
NeodyneVSSE84 @neodynevsse84
Is it odd that I run to certain anime songs?? I know we have our own prefs, but some of these theme songs just get me sprinting

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
commented on
Is it odd that I run to anime music??
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
I have tons of OSTs on my phone.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Is it odd that I run to anime music??
ロイ @wallace614
I do too and too be honest I thought I was the only one

Dwinor @dwinor
commented on
Is it odd that I run to anime music??
Dwinor @dwinor
I do the same thing actually.
You aren't the only one trust me.

xueli @xueli
commented on
Is it odd that I run to anime music??
xueli @xueli
I like to do daily chores/study to Hans Zimmer so that my day is just that much more epic :D

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Is it odd that I run to anime music??
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
The sound of music, makes your body do funny things. It's those vibes man, those vibes.

misskittehcat @misskittehcat
commented on
Is it odd that I run to anime music??
misskittehcat @misskittehcat
no!! when i listen to anime music i feel like a hero out to save the world! kudos to you for running, my asthma makes it so hard for me

Trash Ramen @exherokid
commented on
Is it odd that I run to anime music??
Trash Ramen @exherokid
^awww that sucks. Well anything more than fast walking is honestly overrated.
I jog to jrock/pop all the time and only find most of the bands and artists through anime openings and endings.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Is it odd that I run to anime music??
ロイ @wallace614
haha well isn't that funny well that's cool to be honest I would love to compare how many ost someone from here had on their phones
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