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Favorite Fetish/Fantasy?

Haha, some people are just more dominant by nature. I know a lot of girls who are usually out to just have LOTS of fun and those are VERY DOMINANT girls lol. But also behind that dominance and confidence is experience. I wouldn't worry too much about it but I mean if you really wanted to be dominated, just tell him o_O. Be like... "YOU! TAKE THE LEAD", you're both turned on and shizzzz, you might as well just tell him straight up and I'm positive he will abide. If he doesn't, go to the bathroom and just fap yourself. He's gonna have to learn some way or another lol. Like I said, I'm a pretty dominant but I also love it when a girl can take over from time to time, i find it... super HAAwwWwwWWWTTTT haha. In anycase, don't worry too much about it, takes awhile to catch on :)
^just go to the bathroom and fap yourself" lols.
Oct 25, 13 at 4:17am
Well, I don't have any experience in intercourse. At all. (virgin, so really, what do I know).<p> But I do know about foreplay. And I do know that as far as dominance and submissive is concerned, everyone is different and everyone has their own preferences and depending on their partner, it may change with where you stand. I guess you can call me a switch? (To answer your question ExHeroKid.<p> I've been in situations where I didn't have much power and my partner was aggressive and didn't like it (in fact I felt uncomfortable), I've been in situations where where my partner was gentle and sensual and enjoyed it, situations where I truly was the more dominate and aggressive (also enjoyed it), and not too long ago, I was in a situation where I was a complete masochist (him as the sadist obviously) but I still enjoyed it, even though I don't like not having much power as stated earlier.<p> But In my opinion, I think you are very right, tornadomushroom. It takes two to tango.
^very interesting Rina For me I adjust to my partners tastes though I've been lucky enough for the few I have been with had mostly same interests as I did when it came to this stuff.
Lets just say I'm a member of Eka's Portal.
cosplay fantasys i would say. works alot at convention hotels.
A fantasy of mine would probably be crossplay sex on a bed covered with silk sheets and rose petals. Fetishes include neck/back/tummy kisses and bondage. I dom in foreplay, but once I get him going, it's his turn to take the lead.
Femdom but mostly orgasm control and light bondage. I can't really get into the idea of long term chastity.
I have sadist dreams I wanna be rough with a cosplay girl my thats fantasty
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