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3 Suggestions

Recent Topics (I want to see whats new xD) Last 10 people to view your profile My content (See all the topics you've posted on so you can find the topics you like faster) Some may not be comfortable with the second suggestion lmao but maybe they can make it optional xD
Maybe add more than one page of search results BEFORE trying to charge people to view who is closer (which isn't the best way I've seen things handled). I would get rid of the "Charge to search" stuff all together. Would never ever ever ever purchase a premium membership for that. In all honesty it actually makes me NOT want to buy a membership because so many sites scam you into "Searching a user-base that doesn't even exist"..... which as far as I can tell from your 1 page of search results.... it really doesn't exist.
And not trying to be rude, just giving my honest opinion. I would consider supporting this site a lot more seriously if I could actually view more than 20-25 search results.
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