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That Uke

walker @walker left a comment for That Uke
Sep 21, 14 at 9:06pm
Right now I am playing pretty much exclusively on PC but I want to get a Xbox 360 to play Destiny. (Huge fan of Bungie games.) On the PC though I am playing Dark Souls 2 and Borderlands 2 mainly. I tend to bounce around depending on what friends are playing. Building or buying gaming computers definitely gets costly. Do you build your computers?
xdarkcloud @xdarkcloud left a comment for That Uke
Sep 20, 14 at 10:42am
Well right now I'm just trying to save up for a car. I'm also thinking of going back to school for proper learning in Biochemistry. So side views and couples weaknesses for you, how so!?? and I'm rather quite good at drawing hands, torsos and limbs but I suck at drawing heads and faces :/ Ps. sorry for the late reply :")
walker @walker left a comment for That Uke
Sep 14, 14 at 12:40am
Definitely Mugi. What games do you play? I am more of a pc gamer but slowly going back to console for the exclusives.
Kawa @kawa left a comment for That Uke
Sep 13, 14 at 6:24pm
Thank's I like the mask a lot to XD Yeah I've been trying to stay sane as while. I hit a real dry spill with anime to watch and games but as of late I've been playing Destiny. It's an alright game but I wish it had more MMO stuff.
walker @walker left a comment for That Uke
Sep 12, 14 at 2:56am
Meant singing not listen. Lol.
walker @walker left a comment for That Uke
Sep 12, 14 at 2:54am
walker @walker left a comment for That Uke
Sep 12, 14 at 2:53am
I know right. Mine are Listwn and Tenshi ni Fureta yo. So much feels wuth the last one. Whos your favorite chacter?
walker @walker left a comment for That Uke
Sep 08, 14 at 4:59am
Noticed you like K-On! What is your favorite song?
Sep 04, 14 at 8:45pm
Sup (-_-) you like toast?
Kawa @kawa left a comment for That Uke
Sep 04, 14 at 7:06am
Yo (-_-)y What's up Uke?