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That Uke

gundamzero @gundamzero left a comment for That Uke
Oct 28, 13 at 11:22pm
Yes I know I just had to own the serie
gundamzero @gundamzero left a comment for That Uke
Oct 25, 13 at 8:34pm
Ha there my name is Eric your a k-on fan to.
darkslayer @darkslayer left a comment for That Uke
Oct 23, 13 at 9:51pm
Same can we be cousins in rl plz
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sugichan @sugichan left a comment for That Uke
Oct 22, 13 at 6:34am
Ah, I have yet to see SD Gundam other than a short clip of it. I also apparenatlly have the theme song for it in my collection since one of my favorite Seiyuu (voice actor/actress) sang the theme for it. I didn't realize the song was used in SD Gundam until I was looking for translated lyrics though lol. Ah, yeah I had that problem in one of the reverse harems I saw. I pair mostly the main guys with each other in Gundam shows, especially Wing. I haven't seen much of Seed yet, only about 3 episodes so not much has happened yet but I'll get to watching more, probably after this semester is over. So you don't like the look of Wind Waker either? I sometimes forget I am not alone in that. I've been playing Nintendo and Sega games since I was about four years old so video games have been a constant part of my life. I
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sugichan @sugichan left a comment for That Uke
Oct 20, 13 at 6:36am
I like Gundam Wing and Gundam 00 a lot but I also really like the first Gundam and G Gundam a lot. I have yet to watch all the Gundam shows but I think that besides Age which seemed really boring to me I'd like to watch them all. I guess I like the male characters more in Gundam shows, the girls can tend to be a little dull or just fan service in some Gundam shows lol. I don't really like Harems, I think that is the only form of Romantic comedy I dislike (I am not really a fan of reverse harems either because the guys can be idiots in those lol). That's cool that you like the Zelda games, the only kind I don't like are games like Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks because of the artwork. I actually don't play first-person shooters very much but they sure seem to be popular these days.
sugichan @sugichan left a comment for That Uke
Oct 19, 13 at 7:56am
Romantic comedies are nice, I also like a lot of Genres. I like Mecha (mostly Gundam), Horror/Suspense, Action, comedy, Shonen and Shoujo titles. I played a lot of video games growing up and even know. I am a bit of a Nintendo nerd, I like a lot of Mario, Zelda, and Sonic games but I also really enjoy fighting games like Tekken and the Soul Caliber series. The only computer games I've played are the Sims 3 titles.
sugichan @sugichan left a comment for That Uke
Oct 18, 13 at 6:28am
So, what kind of Anime do you like? And do you like to play video games?
brandojb @brandojb left a comment for That Uke
Oct 18, 13 at 12:00am
haha that's awesome, what series are you back logged on? And cool! I hope it's not too much of a hassle, but I appreciate it :)