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32 year old Female
Last online almost 6 years ago
Dec 21, 15 at 2:01pm
But weren't sirens purported to be beautiful creatures as well? Oh wait, now that I reread that I realize that you probably mean the way that they act instead of how they look. Who knows, maybe the idea of one was influenced by the other, maybe one is actually real and the other one is just fantasy? I think some of what might instantly grab my attention is (good plot of course) anything with fanservice or harems, but also interestingly done fight scenes and definitely something with romance in it. I don't know that I'm a great fan of a completely romance driven series though. I enjoy them but I've learned that I don't enjoy them as much if that's the main factor combined with drama. Rom-coms are good in my book. I enjoy gundam series and yuri too but just like any genre it will appeal to people or it won't. It might appeal to people but with only one series within said genre, it all depends. My favorite gundam series so far has been G Gundam, it has a different take on the gundam universe and seems to be more of the "black sheep" of the gundam fandom because of it's different take on the series. I've noticed with Yuri that there isn't much of it in an anime format and some of the few series that deals with it shows almost zero yuri content of any sort even though it's classified as yuri (example being Blue Drop and from what I've read Burst Angel). That doesn't make it bad necessarily but harder to come by. Apparently the series Strawberry Panic is a good yuri one though I haven't seen it as of yet.
Dec 18, 15 at 1:36pm
Very true, the moment that you discount something existence is the moment that it is most likely to show up. Especially since we keep seeming to find bigger and bigger creatures that we never thought existed or grew to such size. Same here. Are there any certain aspects/ tropes etc. that catch your attention in particular? Any kind of anime genre that you don't care much for?
Dec 18, 15 at 8:58am
I've seen the megalodon movie around here and there but I've yet to stop and take a look at one myself. Hey as long as you've given it a chance that's pretty cool. Ah that's a popular nightcore song. Pretty good too. What kind of anime series generally draws your attention?
Yeah, that is true, too... ~.~ And then their are creeps out there or the guys that want a fast relationships and don't take it slow. >~< *sigh*
Not, whose. I meant "who's". LMFAO X'D
Yeah, same here. I just want to find a guy whose close to my state, but no body that lives in my state. Most, people here are LDS A.K.A. Mormons. >.< (No offense to Mormons out there looking at their Recent Activity post thingy! XD ) But the guys that do match me are either miiiiiiiiiiiles away from me or live in another country than me... ~.~
Oh, that good. :D *sigh of relief*
My brain finally processed what you said. Just wanted to say that I'm not copying you. The only thing that I updated was that I could have alcohol and what guy I'm looking for. The rest old updates that I kept, it still describes me as in the present self. Sorry for the misunderstanding. >.<
lane22 @lane22 left a comment for teamalucardgirl
Dec 18, 15 at 12:26am
lane22 @lane22 left a comment for teamalucardgirl
Dec 18, 15 at 12:17am
no please dont do that, ive suffered enough with game of thrones
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