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otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 31, 10 at 5:25pm
I've been writing since elementary school, when I was a kid I wrote a lot of fan fiction namely with my favorite shows and games like animaniacs, sonic the hedgehog, legend of zelda, kirby, mario and dragon ball, I started writing my own works in middle school though
konachan @konachan left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 31, 10 at 5:13pm
haha you should. I know! That's why I can't finish anime that comes on tv because I always end up missing an episode and it drive me crazy. I have a love hate relationship about snow. I love having snowball fights but it's so freaking cold!!!! I also learned last year that snowballs kinda hurt. lol. Do you get snow in Tenn.? Spring is great. That is the only season I don't really mind waking up early. It just makes me happy :3
Jan 31, 10 at 1:40pm
I have a lot of different anime that I like, so just go to myanimelist.com and search for Okami_Amaterasu under users (in the drop down menu right next to the search box). That should give you some idea haha
kazumi011 @kazumi011 left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 30, 10 at 11:41pm
Poems are cute! Mostly anyways sometimes I stumble across freaky ones but hey writing is writing in my world. I wouldn't mind you reading them lol sometimes I get nervous showing it to other people. Oh! Now I remember what I was going to ask you! Do you write fanfiction? Just curious! And songs?? That's amazingly cool :)
Otakulism @otakulism left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 30, 10 at 10:20pm
Yeah...i love japan so much...I'm actually trying to start an Japanese culture club at my college...sadly it hasn't gone anywhere yet...busy busy busy. I love everyone in bleach...even the bad guys...but if i had to choose i would say Aizen, Ulqiorra, or grimmjow...may he rest in peace...
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 30, 10 at 9:56pm
I write a little bit of everything, but I find action is my main genre of writing, even my dramas have action in it somewhere, basically I mix a little of most genres in one story, action here, love there, sadness there stuff like that
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 30, 10 at 9:25pm
im writing stories and drawing, im planning to be a mangaka one day
kazumi011 @kazumi011 left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 30, 10 at 9:39am
Hi! Nice to meet you. Let's see my writing kind of encases everything :)I usually hang out in the fantasy world and sometimes things like the start of the modern era. I love a good romance so I like to try my hand at those. Yes I know that's a typical girl thing but anyways. Horror is my latest escapade because I like to try everything. If there's a style of writing I haven't tried I'll learn how to write in it just to say that I can. In all honesty I just love to write.I started when I was around ten and just took off since then. But right now I'm working on finishing a short story I'm writing for my sister. Anyways enough about me and my incoherent babbling, what about you? What do you like to write about?
Jan 29, 10 at 3:28pm
Thanks for the warm welcome! Nothing much going on here, just going bowling later heheh I keep bragging to people because its been so long and im really excited! Aaaaaannnnnnyyyyway... Whats goin on with you?
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 29, 10 at 9:05am
sup kollin, im johnatan what's going on?