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33 year old Female
Last online about 11 years ago
Nov 01, 12 at 4:42pm
Thank you for giving me an answer to that I don’t know a great deal but have always been curious but had no one to answer my questions so thank you greatly :)
Blessed Samhain to you too! ^^
The same, the same. =w=
Oct 29, 12 at 3:35pm
I don’t blame you, I grew up in a small town but have lived temporally in small cities from time to time, and so I prefer hills and woodland areas over anything else, especially in the cold…snow kicks ass. :)
Oct 29, 12 at 12:17pm
o.o well you are really gorgeous. XD im honest. so sue me lol!
Oct 29, 12 at 12:01pm
lol i know what you mean. same here. though gotta be careful about some types of otakus. i mean jerks and etc. so yeah >.< but you serious? you seem cool and gorgeous to me XD
Oct 29, 12 at 11:40am
Well I’m happy to hear it, hope you don’t mind me asking but what is it like living where you do?
Oct 29, 12 at 11:25am
XD why is that? lol how are you anyway? XD
Oct 29, 12 at 11:22am
I am so sorry you have to deal with that Halloween is the best and everyone should be able to enjoy it, I’m taking my nieces and nephews out trick or treating through my grandfather’s neighborhood, I’ll probably dress up as Morbus the character from the band Disturbed, and again I feel for you, honestly, so try and have fun and stay safe. :)
Oct 29, 12 at 11:05am
New with me…oh had me 21st birthday last weekend still feeling awesome about that, not to mention my favorite holiday is coming up in a few days, so are you going as anything this Halloween?