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My heart is a huge mess and I feel like the person I love most doesn't really care about me anymore though I know they do. Additionally I've been working customer service for the last week or two (which I don't like) and I'm finally getting hours in the department I'm supposed to be in only to find that I have a new assistant manager who within the first 10min says that I need to work on my speed and I know she already views me as slow and possibly a bad worker. My views on what I say to people who want to kill themselves are starting to change :(
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 sounds like you have it rough rn...i hope things get better for you
Nobody @muffster I'm so sorry man :( I hope it gets better
Bored and lonely. Someone please help pass the time
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 y u no message back?
‍Animekid @animekid Oh yeah. We sent so many other messages that i forgot lol. I forgot the messages before the last "lol" message xD
‍Animekid @animekid Looking good Shion haha
‍Animekid @animekid Looking good Shion haha
Feb 24, 17 at 1:37pm
goddamn it kid im jealous >.>
Red @redhawk Panda *hugs* don't worry Fam, I got you xoxo
‍Animekid @animekid What are you jealous about?
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 dont play dumb ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
My depression is coming back again to try and eat me alive. That being said, Pokemon day is February 27th! I'm going to try and fight my depression on that day by trying to celebrate Pokemon in any way I can. I probably won't be very successful in either because I'm working that day but I'm going to try. Kind of a nerdy and sad way to spend a day but you work with what you've got.
spookybun @spookybun left a comment for ‍Animekid
Feb 24, 17 at 9:31am
Oh my goodness I'm so sorry this is happening , I understand how u feel with panic attacks , and horrid nightmares , incould give u some tips on how to cope with em,I've been having that stuff since I was like 4
I keep having so many of the same sad and unpleasant dreams every night. I wish they would just stop. Even sleep isn't my friend now : (
I think the panic/anxiety attack or whatever it was has gone down no now but I'm still left with this.....mix of unpleasant feelings for lack of a better way to describe it : (
Hey everybody I just got off of work. Something really bad happened today at work. I don't want to talk about it but from the moment it happened to right now my breathing has been really erratic. It's still really heavy and labored and at times it has been incredibly fast and I had to focus completely on my breathing to try and slow it down. I haven't been able to get my mind off of what happened and whenever I think about it my breathing gets really fast. I even ended up feeling hot a couple of times throughout the night and it's still affecting me right now and it's really freaking me out. This kind of thing hasn't happened to me before and I don't know what it is. Can anyone explain what this is? : (
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 sounds like a panic attack
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 probably trauma from whatever happened is causing it
‍Animekid @animekid It's getting worse again. I hate this. It's really freaking me out. I feel like I want to wrap myself up in blanket in a dark corner or something. I'm feeling really unstable right now : (
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 if its bothering you maybe you should see a doctor? could be a panic attack or could be something serious
‍Animekid @animekid I just looked up panic attack and aside from the difference in duration described online the other symptoms seem to fit so maybe that's what it is. Now I'm feeling extremely fidgety on top of it all. This is really fucked up.
Rem @dragonrem left a comment for ‍Animekid
Feb 23, 17 at 7:18pm
probably xD I've lost track tbh xD
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