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LollipopMarie @lollipopmarie
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LollipopMarie @lollipopmarie
Hey there. Read your info...whats your DA sn? I'm Joss-Box if you are curious.

ShinigamiButler121 @shinigamibutler121
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ShinigamiButler121 @shinigamibutler121
I really love your cosplay. Since I've been going to anime conventions, I haven't seen one MALE cosplayer for Edward Elric. It's a nice change. :3 Edward and Alphonse are my favorite charcters.
Farhana @farhana
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Farhana @farhana
U r right.I hv also seen all the episodes in Animax channel.Hey,hv u seen the Brotherhood version?I m currently watching it.