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Brigitte @niconeko21
Brigitte @niconeko21
AX Day 2 tomorrow, woo! I'm going to be a Rilakkuma with a light blue wig, in case anyone wants to say hi!

akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
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akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
Awesome I'll be going all 4 days :D

akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
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akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
Are you going to AX this year? Sorry haven't been able to hang out with you, school got pretty busy :(
Anime expo 16?

Brigitte @niconeko21
commented on
Anime expo 16?
Brigitte @niconeko21
Gonna be there all 4 days! Its my third AX, super excited for it :)
I'm cuddly but can't get a date

Brigitte @niconeko21
commented on
I'm cuddly but can't get a date
Brigitte @niconeko21
Just keep being cuddly. Someone will eventually appreciate your cuddly-ness.