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Neko Neko @starcat
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Neko Neko @starcat
ive moved around a lot. I go back and forth from rockford to south beloit. i lived in wisconsin for like 4 years. but most part of my life ive lived in south beloit. Its were i grew up. and i graduated high school in 09' i plan on going to college in schamburg. at the art of institute. ^_^

Neko Neko @starcat
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Neko Neko @starcat
oh lol i didnt draw usada i got that from the internet. I drew the ones that are on paoper and are black and white. Rockford is a shitty town i dont know what part you seen but it must of been one of the nicer areas. lol I live in a nice part of the area. South beloit is a great area to live. theres like never any crimes around here. Peaceful. I would love to go to chicago one day there so much i wanna see.
ItsOnlyJT @itsonlyjt
ItsOnlyJT @itsonlyjt
Ah cool. I've been up to the Rockford area randomly a few times to see friends of friends and to drink. Nice area. I'm just south of Chicago. Been living here my whole life 'cept for a stint in Charleston, IL when I went to Eastern.<br/>
A little off topic here, but cute drawings you put up. I think I like the Usada Nyo best even though I've never seen the show.