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mercy_chan @mercy_chan
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mercy_chan @mercy_chan
thanks you, yea cosplay is so fun. I like the op and ed song on ungo, wished there was more ep on it, it was an shame it is short.
Do you like Detectives Conan? that is another good series.

mercy_chan @mercy_chan
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mercy_chan @mercy_chan
Welcome, I like your pic from Ungo I like that show.
Hi Everyone!

kb10 @kb91
commented on
Hi Everyone!
kb10 @kb91
Thanks for the warm welcome guys!
@Manga_Bird and Ichirai - Thanks for the suggestions, will give them a go ^_^
@General panda-kun, thanks for the offer... I'm really into mystery and psychological horror stuff at the minute so anything along those lines would be much appreciated. Was going to message you directly but it wouldn't let me unless I was in your friends - wasn't sure if the add as friend first, ask questions later approach was the socially acceptable way to go haha
Hi Everyone!

kb10 @kb91
Hi Everyone!
kb10 @kb91
New here so thought I'd introduce myself... I've been watching anime for the last few years and hoping to meet some new people who share my interest (think I'm in the best place haha)
So yea, any suggestions are welcome and I look forward to getting to know everyone (^_^)