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veggierad @veggierad
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veggierad @veggierad
Hey! You seem pretty cool. Game to chat?

Makoto @night
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Makoto @night
Welcome to the MO community

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
Hey whats up
Having a hard time "making friends"

Emmathevictorious @emmathevictorious
Having a hard time "making friends"
Emmathevictorious @emmathevictorious
Hello.. My names Emma.
The problem is not that i have a hard time making them its that i have a hard time keeping them around.. lately i feel like i meet people.. then 3 days later they never really talk to me again.. I'm so fed up with having absolutely no one to talk to or play games with. But on the other side.. i feel almost annoyed when i talk to most people. whats a girl to do.